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Some factors that are included in an organism's niche include what it eats and where it eats. Another factor is when it eats.

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Q: What factors are included in an organism niche?
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Explain the difference between habitat and ecological niche. (?

habitat is the combined biotic and abiotic factors where an organism lives while a niche is a biological that an organism needs to stay healthy and reproduce. in short terms a habitat is was an organism lives while a niche is what an organism needs to successfully live and reproduce. 

Biological factors that affect an organism's niche include all what except what?

competion for resource

What are the niches are?

An ecological niche is the role that an organism plays in its environment, included in that is it habitat and the interactions it has with other organisms in that environment.

Biological factors that affect an organism's niche include what?

All of the following would be... competition for resourcesfood needspredatorssunlight

What is an organsim niche?

An organism's niche is the function of the given organism. :) Hope this helps!

What factors help to define a niche?

A factor that helps define a niche is that a niche an animal does in its environment, kind of like a job.

Explain why cooperation is a part of an organism niche rather than its habitat?

A niche is an organism's place in the habitat or environment. Cooperation is a niche because not every organism cooperates with all the others.

What is an organisms role in the environment?


What organism is niche?

A niche is an organism's role in a community. What it eats, Where it eats, When it eats, and its job in that environment.

What is organism niche?

A niche is an organism's role in a community. What it eats, Where it eats, When it eats, and its job in that environment.

What is a realized niche?

Do you mean, Realized niche? if so, The part of fundamental niche that an organism occupies as a result of limiting factors present in its habitat, The presence of competing species in an environment is one example of a limiting factor that restrains or narrows an organism's ecological niche. In a realized niche, the organism tends to occupy and play an ecological role where it is mostly highly adapted.