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Q: What factors can put young people off drinking alcohol?
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There is strong evidence that drinking alcohol in moderation is not harmful to very young people. Young Jews, Greeks, Italians, French, Portuguese, and others regularly begin drinking at a very early age and suffer no ill effects. The argument that drinking damages young brains is based on (1) studies of young rats fed large quantities of alcohol and (2) young people in alcohol or drug abusers undergoing therapy. The findings only address alcohol abuse, not moderate drinking.

What does alcohol drinking for a young person from 10-18 do?

It toxicates them

Does puberty stop if you drink alcohol - 43k?

No, but you should not be drinking alcohol at such a young age. You lose brain cells while drinking in which can not be restored.

How do young people get hold of alcohol?

From their parents (with or without their knowledge), friends, and unscrupulous adults who sell it to them.then they take it to a place where no one can see them drinking and then drink.

How does a teenager die from drinking alchole?

Alcohol kills people in three basic ways: alcohol poisoning, accidents and other forms of violent death, and degradation of the body's organ systems due to chronic drinking, often combined with cancer.The great majority of teens die in alcohol-related accidents, usually in automobiles. Alcohol poisoning is also more common in young people than in older folks, as teens tend to engage in more risky drinking behavior, such as "chugging."

Why drinking age should NOT be lowered?

1 - No ____ 2 - In the 1970's several states lowered the drinking age to 18, there was a vast increase in DUI and alcohol related deaths many from young people driving under the influence. Since that time science has proved the human brain does not finish developing until after age 22 - the predominate cause of death in you people is from risky behavior - much of this behavior is centered around alcohol. Why do older teens and 20 somethings feel they need alcohol so badly? What do they think they are missing out on by not drinking legally? With the high number of injuries and /or deaths that are alcohol related, each young person who can't purchase alcohol or doesn't take that drink because of the law - may be a young person saved.

What factors are responsible for a heart attack in younger age?

Some factors that may cause a heart attack at a young age are: using cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating fats and not exercising.Another answer:The most important factor at a young age is genetics. Many others in the family show the same signs and may not be overweight or smoke.

How late can a 17 year old stay in a pub if not drinking?

Most pubs will not let children in after 9pm at the latest, but you will see young people in them after that. You must be 18 to be served alcohol, so you can be drinking other kinds of drinks if you are under 18.

Why do young people drink more than adults?

Inexperience and insecurity. Aswell, you have more chance of getting an addiction when you're young. Aswell, you merely refer to a steriotype. I'm Irish and young, and I always refuse alcohol. Drinking is but a mere personal choice.

When did people start drinking milk?

People have always been drinking milk. The young drink the milk of their mothers to survive.

Is binge drinking bad for your health?

It is estimated that 5,000 young people between the ages of 16 and 24 die from alcohol-related causes every year in the US. Most of them are binge drinkers. Some authorities believe that binge drinking is more harmful than steady consumption. As to how: likelihood of developing an addiction to alcohol and alcohol-related accidents are the usual means of damage.

Does Italy have a problem with underage drinking?

The drinking age is 16 in Italy although Italian young people look down on friends who drink too much, according to research presented at a symposium organized by Italy's Permanent Observatory on Alcohol and Youth. Italians consume about as much alcohol as do those in many countries but have low rates of alcohol-related problems. "There are protective cultural factors in Italy, says Dr. Enrico Tempesta, a scientist at the government-sponsored Observatory. "Here, children and teenagers disapprove and tend to exclude from their circle a contemporary who gets drunk," he explains.