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Q: What factors determine wheather a species can be present in a place?
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Which of these conditions should completely prevent the occurence of natural selection in a population over time?

All varation between individuals is due only to environmental factors

Why are experiments that involve transplanting species seldom conducted today?

There are no criteria to determine if they are successful

How did Darwin attempt to determine how modifications of a species are accomplished?

He didn't understand how modifications of species occurred. His theories have stood the test of time when the actual mechanisms were discovered. Further scientific evidence has overwhelmingly proven his basic ideas were correct.

What is phenotypic variation?

Phenotype variation is slight variations in a phenotype that are caused by the expression of an organism's genes or the influence of environmental factors. A species can have several different phenotypes within it.

What is the only way scientists know that some species existed?

Actually, there are a variety of methods to know about the existence of different species. In some cases, scientists rely on past writings from respected men and women who had discussed those species. In other cases, as modern biologists, entomologists, oceanographers, and others make interesting new discoveries, they want to determine links to past species or find out how old a particular discovery really is. A common technique is to use carbon dating to determine how old a species is/was. Some scientists do extensive research on the history of a given species, looking at what information exists about it and what new information has been published. There are new species being discovered on a regular basis, and I enclose a link to a publication that follows these discoveries.

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some factors that determine the number of species in an area. some factors that determine the number of species in an area.

What 2 factors determine the evolution of a species?

Natural selection and traits

What factors determine whether a species can be presented in a place?

The weather,food supply

What two factors do scientists look at to determine if species are related?

physical similarties in body structures

Two factors that determine whether a non native species becomes an invasive species?

1.Very high and still Increasing population and 2. They are dominating or killing off other species in the area

Name two factors that will determine whether a non-native species becomes an invasive species?

1.Very high and still Increasing population and 2. They are dominating or killing off other species in the area

Which of the examples below provides appropriate abiotic and biotic factors that might determine the distribution of the species in question?

The number of frost-free days and competition between species of introduced grasses and native alpine grasses

What are two factors that will determine whether a nonnative species becomes an invasive species?

An "invasive species" is defined as a species that is 1) non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and 2) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

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how can you expermentally determine if a organism is a keystone or a foundation species

What factors account for the diversity of species?

Adaptation and Species.

How will you determine the turtle's species?

you can't

Describe how to measure species richness and species evenness. (supplemental resource?

species richness is the total number of species present if there are 4 species present and 5 of each then the species richness is 4 as there is 4 types of species while the species evenness is 5 a species eveness is the relative abundance of each species.