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Actually, there are a variety of methods to know about the existence of different species. In some cases, scientists rely on past writings from respected men and women who had discussed those species. In other cases, as modern biologists, entomologists, oceanographers, and others make interesting new discoveries, they want to determine links to past species or find out how old a particular discovery really is. A common technique is to use carbon dating to determine how old a species is/was. Some scientists do extensive research on the history of a given species, looking at what information exists about it and what new information has been published. There are new species being discovered on a regular basis, and I enclose a link to a publication that follows these discoveries.

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12y ago

if your talking about if they know are there species on planets then it is becuase there would be water on that planet and if your talking about if it is from the dinosaur times and stuff then it is because they would excavate things (dig things up) to find fossils and old things to do with them.

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Q: What is the only way scientists know that some species existed?
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