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Q: What factors led to the importism of enslaved Africans to the Americas?
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What factors led to the importation of slaves to Virginia?

The factors that led to the importation of Africans as slaves in the Americas was that there were sugar cane plantations and they needed labor, so they went over to Africa and got slaves, because it was free labor. The sugar cane was for rum, tea, and coffee. The Africans worked day and night whether it was out in the field or inside housework. After a while, the slaves began to try to escape, which would cut down the labor. Involved the Triangle between Africa, America's, and England. They all traded different things with each other, but in order to have things to trade, they needed labor and with the Africans they could have cheap labor with a profit.

What are the explanations for the origins of the transatlantic slave trade?

The transatlantic slave trade emerged from a variety of factors. The economy of the Americas was heavily dependent on production and export of field crops. The land owners were generally unskilled in hard manual labor, especially in the climate, and remained susceptible to many diseases in the Americas. African slaves were a cheap and hardy labor force. The European countries supplying the populace to the New World needed to ensure economic success for future expansion.

Push-and-pull factors contribute to?

Push factors drive people from their country of origin, while pull factors determine where the travelers end up. They contribute to immigration.

What factors contributed to the establishment of organized communites?

There are a few factors that contributed to the start of a organized communities. Some of the factors are having a place to come together, talking about things, coming up with a plan and working together.

What are some factors that are pushing farmers off the land and into cities?

Here are some of the push factors: less profit no electricity

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How did the institution of African slavery evolve?

The institution of African slavery evolved through a combination of factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the demand for labor in the Americas. Initially, Africans were enslaved by other Africans, but the transatlantic slave trade facilitated the mass transportation of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations. This system of forced labor became entrenched in the economies of European colonies and later the United States, shaping the institution of slavery as it is known today.

What factors led planters to use enslaved africans?

Planters used enslaved Africans primarily due to the demand for cheap labor in the tobacco, sugar, cotton, and rice industries. Enslaved Africans were seen as a profitable and easily controlled labor force that could be forced to work long hours in harsh conditions. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade provided a steady supply of enslaved individuals to meet the labor needs of planters.

What factors led planters to use the labor of enslaved africans?

There are many reasons why many groups and nationalities have been used as slaves throughout time. Africans were only one of many examples because throughout time whites also enslaved whites. Africans still enslave Africans. The American experience is only one of many times slaves have been used in history and today. Initially few enslaved Africans were used in the Americas. It was the expansion of the sugar industry in Barbados and the Leeward islands that led to the large scale use of enslaved Africans by planters. Initially white British indentured labour was used. The Dutch first started the trade but once the British got involved they were able to better organize the trade sending ships back and forth between England, Africa and the Americas, known as the triangular trade. As a result the price of slaves dropped and planters turned to this cheap source of labour. Hence in a nutshell, the reasons for the use of enslaved Africans by planters in the Americas was simply that it was a cheap form of labour. By the time the mainland colonies started to used enslaved Africans as labour, the trade was well organised by the British and the price of slaves was significantly reduced to make slave labour viable. Not that Africans were only slaves in the "New World". Some Black Americans owned slaves. Slavery was also not limited to the southern states either. There were states in the north during the civil war that owned slaves throughout the entire war. It was not until several months after the civil war ended that slavery finally became illegal.

What factors led to use the labor of enslaved africans?

There are many reasons why many groups and nationalities have been used as slaves throughout time. Africans were only one of many examples because throughout time whites also enslaved whites. Africans still enslave Africans. The American experience is only one of many times slaves have been used in history and today. Initially few enslaved Africans were used in the Americas. It was the expansion of the sugar industry in Barbados and the Leeward islands that led to the large scale use of enslaved Africans by planters. Initially white British indentured labour was used. The Dutch first started the trade but once the British got involved they were able to better organize the trade sending ships back and forth between England, Africa and the Americas, known as the triangular trade. As a result the price of slaves dropped and planters turned to this cheap source of labour. Hence in a nutshell, the reasons for the use of enslaved Africans by planters in the Americas was simply that it was a cheap form of labour. By the time the mainland colonies started to used enslaved Africans as labour, the trade was well organised by the British and the price of slaves was significantly reduced to make slave labour viable. Not that Africans were only slaves in the "New World". Some Black Americans owned slaves. Slavery was also not limited to the southern states either. There were states in the north during the civil war that owned slaves throughout the entire war. It was not until several months after the civil war ended that slavery finally became illegal.

What factors led to planters to use labor of enslaved Africans?

There are many reasons why many groups and nationalities have been used as slaves throughout time. Africans were only one of many examples because throughout time whites also enslaved whites. Africans still enslave Africans. The American experience is only one of many times slaves have been used in history and today. Initially few enslaved Africans were used in the Americas. It was the expansion of the sugar industry in Barbados and the Leeward islands that led to the large scale use of enslaved Africans by planters. Initially white British indentured labour was used. The Dutch first started the trade but once the British got involved they were able to better organize the trade sending ships back and forth between England, Africa and the Americas, known as the triangular trade. As a result the price of slaves dropped and planters turned to this cheap source of labour. Hence in a nutshell, the reasons for the use of enslaved Africans by planters in the Americas was simply that it was a cheap form of labour. By the time the mainland colonies started to used enslaved Africans as labour, the trade was well organised by the British and the price of slaves was significantly reduced to make slave labour viable. Not that Africans were only slaves in the "New World". Some Black Americans owned slaves. Slavery was also not limited to the southern states either. There were states in the north during the civil war that owned slaves throughout the entire war. It was not until several months after the civil war ended that slavery finally became illegal.

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Arabs historically engaged in the trans-Saharan slave trade due to economic gain, cultural practices, and the desire for labor in various industries such as agriculture and domestic service. Economic reasons like the profitability of the trade and the availability of enslaved Africans as a cheap labor source were key driving factors behind Arab involvement in slavery.

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The growth of the market for African slaves in the sixteenth century was primarily driven by the demand for labor in the Americas, particularly in industries such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton production. European colonial powers and plantation owners relied on enslaved Africans to meet their labor needs due to factors like high mortality rates among Indigenous populations and the profitability of slave labor. This expansion of the transatlantic slave trade led to the forced migration of millions of Africans to the Americas under brutal and inhumane conditions.

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Which factors was the most important in aiding spanish success in Americas?


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is the social and economical problem faced by the aFRICANS

What are the causes of the African slave trade?

The African slave trade was primarily driven by economic factors. The demand for labor in the Americas, particularly in industries such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, led to a need for a large workforce. European colonial powers, particularly Portugal, Spain, Britain, and France, established a system of capturing or purchasing enslaved Africans and transporting them across the Atlantic Ocean for forced labor. Additionally, social and cultural factors, including racism and notions of racial superiority, also played a role in justifying and perpetuating the slave trade.

What factors led to the importation of African slaves to Virginia?

The factors that led to the importation of Africans as slaves in the Americas was that there were sugar cane plantations and they needed labor, so they went over to Africa and got slaves, because it was free labor. The sugar cane was for rum, tea, and coffee. The Africans worked day and night whether it was out in the field or inside housework. After a while, the slaves began to try to escape, which would cut down the labor. Involved the Triangle between Africa, America's, and England. They all traded different things with each other, but in order to have things to trade, they needed labor and with the Africans they could have cheap labor with a profit.