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It's properties, including its size -- at a whopping 3,000+ carats, the largest raw diamond found to date, its clarity and colour, D or possibly E -- are part of what made this diamond notable.

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Q: What factors made the culliman diamond so famous?
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What factors made the manor the center of the European economy during the middle ages?

I think the factors that made the manor the center of the European economy during the Middle Ages were a weak central government and feudalism because the knight that protected the lords got land around the lord's house which created the manor.

What made Cicero a famous Roman figure?

Cicero's natural abilities made him a famous Roman figure, plus his massive writing works that were kept and published by his freedman, Tiro. Ciclished patrician families. Despite this, he was he reached the office of consul He was one of Rome's greatest orators and saved the republic by uncovering the conspiracy of Cataline.

How did ancient Romans worship their ancestors?

The ancient Romans did not exactly worship their ancestors as much as honoring them. They had special festivals in which honor was paid to their ancestors. If the ancestor was famous, they could have a wax mask made of him and that mask was displayed in the atrium of the house and carried in funeral processions of current members of the family.

What part did economic factors play in the survival of the eastern Roman Empire?

There were many trade routs that went through the capital Constantinople. They also enforced tariffs, tolls and taxes which brought in a lot of money, and made the western part more rich and economically stable.

Definition of age of exploration?

Many famous explorers made their voyagesbetween 1420 and 1620. They had to face lots of obstacles. They went on this hard and long trip to find a new trade route to Asia. Also it was an age where European countries wanted to seek new trade routes and land to conquer. (Improved by astotzzy)

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What is a diamond pure of?

A diamond is made of carbon. Some diamonds include colour. For example, the famous Hope Diamond looks blue, because the stone includes traces of boron. Colourless diamonds are pure carbon.

What factors contrtribute to the choosing the career that made Walt Disney famous?

His love for drawing, primarily.

How do you clean a man made diamond?

You clean a man made diamond the same way that you would clean any other diamond. Chemically speaking there is absolutely no difference between a diamond that is made by a man made process and a diamond that was made by a geologic process.

Where one earth can a diamond be found?

One famous place is Kimberley Diamond Mine in South Africa. What started as a hill in which diamonds could be found is now the worlds biggest man-made hole.

What gemstone is made up of only carbon atoms?

Diamond is composed of the element carbon.

What is diamond art made out of?

art made with diamonds!

What is the difference between a real diamond and a diamond aura diamond?

a aura diamond is a man made diamond.

Is Diamond a natural or man made resource?

A diamond is natural resource, and a diamond can be made from ashes of cremation, plus diamonds can be 'made' in a well-equipped lab.

Can sun be converted into diamond?

No. The sun is made of hydrogen and helium. Diamond is made of carbon.

Who made the worlds biggest diamond?

Mother Nature made the world's biggest diamond.

A diamond is made of crystallized?

Diamond is formed from carbon.

What is the diomand made of?

Well there is one and that is of carbon! (spelling-diamond)