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Q: What facts do these paragraphs tell you about the leader of Athens during the golden age?
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Who was the leader in Athens during the golden ages?

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leader of Athens during its Golden Age

How did the golden age of the Athens end?

The leader died of plauge during the Pelopenisian War.

Who was the great leader of Athens during its Golden Age was?

Pericles. Enjoy Life! :)

Who was Athens main political leader during the golden age?

First Pericles, and after his death a succession of populists.

Athenian leader who led the people of Athens?

Pericles (495 BC - 429 BC). He was a statesman and general in Athens. During his time Athens gained a lot of fame, This period in time is known as the Golden Age or the Age of Pericles.

Leaders philosophers and architecture of athens golden age?

Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle,Phidias - the greatest sculptor and Pericles a great leader were from this golden age of Athens.

A fair and wise leader of Athens in 450 bc?

The most prominent was Pericles, a general and orator (among other things) during the golden age you have specified.

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first shah Abbas was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age.

Who was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age?

first shah Abbas was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age.

Who was the leader during the golden age?


Pericles rebuilt Athens and constructed this master piece?

Pericles was a leader of Athens who was responsible for rebuilding Athens following the Persian Wars. He was also leader of Athens during the Peloponnesian War, but he died of the plague that ravaged the city.