

What fallow period?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What fallow period?
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What is unplanted land called?

it is called fallow,as in fallow land .not used,or for a period of time.

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Is fallow a prefix?

No, fallow is not a prefix. It is a term used to describe farmland that is left unplanted for a period of time to allow the soil to rest and regenerate nutrients.

Which of the following decreases as cultivation methods become more intensive?

The correct answer is length of fallow period.

Is there a period of time when the farm will need to be fallow for pullman WA?

In Pullman, WA, it is not a requirement for farms to remain fallow during a specific period of time. Farmers in the area typically follow crop rotation practices and soil management techniques to maintain soil fertility and health. The decision to leave fields fallow would depend on individual farming practices and goals.

What is the superlative and comparative of fallow?

more fallow, most fallow

What can be fallow?

inactive land can be fallow

Can you give me a sentence using the word 'fallow'?

fallow - inactive/not in use In this sentence, my literary skills were fallow. :)

What is an uncultivated field called?

Fallow it is called a fallow

Is the fallow deer a carnivore?

Is the fallow deer a herbivore

Why is land left fallow?

Farmland is sometimes 'left fallow' meaning unseeded so the soil can gain nutrients over that period. You cannot keep on growing the same kind of crops year after year or it depletes the soil of certatin nutrients.

What is fallow farmland?

A fallow farmland a where a farmland has lots of crops and animals on it. It only has the word fallow in it,is because the farmland was onced fallowed by people and now its called a fallow farmland.