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Q: What familiar mineral has adamantine luster?
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What mineral has adamantine luster?


What is the luster of orthoclase?

Depending on the variety, feldspars can range from adamantine to glassy in luster.

What are three types of mineral luster?

Glassy luster, Metallic luster and Waxy luster.

Is sulfer luster?

"Luster" is a term used to characterize a mineral(Reflection of a light). Sulfur Lustre or luster is Adamantine on on crystal faces,glimmering on fracture surfaces!

Is luster a metallic element?

No. Lustre (or luster) is a description of a mineral's appearance by the way it reflects light. Glassy, metallic, adamantine, and waxy are some examples of words that may be used to describe a mineral's luster.

What is the luster of corundum?

The luster of the sapphire is vitreous or adamantine.

What is adamantine luster?

Its the luster of a diamond.

Is adamantine luster real diamond?

Diamond luster is described as adamantine to waxy. Adamantine luster is described as "...non-metallic, brilliant-light-reflecting and transmitting properties of minerals..." and is not limited to diamonds.

What is a short definition for luster?

Luster is a characteristic of a mineral crystal, referring to the way it reflects light. Lusters include adamantine, glassy, dull, earthy, metallic, and waxy.

What do the term that describes how a mineral reflects light from its surface?

This is called the luster of the mineral.The luster of a mineral is the way its surface reflects light. Most terms used to describe luster are self-explanatory: metallic, earthy, waxy, greasy, vitreous (glassy), adamantine (or brilliant, as in a faceted diamond).

Do diamonds have luster metallic?

Diamonds do not have a metallic luster; diamond luster is adamantine to waxy.

What does luster on a diamond look like?

the luster of a diamond is adamantine to waxy.