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Q: What family are poison oak and poison ivy both a part of?
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How does poison ivy get oxygen?

Poison IVY is part of the Poison family for plants. They are fed oxygen just the same way others actually are.

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

Who is Poison Ivy's boyfriend?

Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.

Is mango monocotyledon or dicotyledon?

A mango is a dicotyledon. It is in the same family as poison ivy.

Is mango a monocotyledon or dicotyledon?

A mango is a dicotyledon. It is in the same family as poison ivy.

Can babies get poison ivy?

Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.

What is ivy leaf?

Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.

What if your poison ivy bubble is big?

If the poison ivy bubble is big it is not poison ivy but rather poison oak the same remities apply for ridding yourself of it

If I have poison ivy and ate cashews could that start a reaction again?

If you have a severe allergy to poison ivy, you will most likely also be allergic to cashews. Cashews are from the poison ivy family, and can contain similar allergens. The reason you never see cashews with a shell on them is because the shell has the same irritating oils that poison ivy leaves have on them. Most people that have minor skin breakouts from poison ivy (not a severe allergy) should not have an issue with consuming cashews.

Does poison ivy grow in North Carolina?

North Carolina has poison ivy as well as poison oak.

Does poison ivy have seeds?

Poison ivy has red berries, seeds inside.