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Q: What family do gamelan instruments belong to?
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Which instruments belong in the percussion family?

Many instruments belong to the percussion family. For example, drums of all sorts are members of the percussion family. Also, rattles are considered percussion instruments.

What must you not do to Gamelan instruments?

You must never step over the Gamelan instruments and you must never show the soles of your feet when you are sitting. The rules are extremely strict when it comes to the Gamelan.

Why do gamelan musicians never step over their instruments?

Gamelan musicians like to respect their instruments. They believe that the instruments have a connection to their God and that stepping over the instruments would break the connection.

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The didgeridoo is an indigenous Australian instruments that is not formally categorised with any other family of instruments. At best, it would be considered to belong to the wind family.

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How is the gamelan music put together?

gamelan instruments mades by metal and woods

What 'o-phone' does a maraca belong to?

Maracas belong to the percussion family of instruments.

What is the most interesting fact about gamelan music?

The term refers more to the set of instruments than the players of those instruments. A gamelan as a set of instruments is a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together - instruments from different gamelan are not interchangeable. The word "gamelan" comes from the Javanese word "gamel", meaning to strike or hammer, and the suffix "an", which makes the root a collective noun.

What family of instruments does the Ukulele belong to?

The string family instruments and is the subset of the guitar family or a plucked lute.