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Although she is not related, she has been employed by the Capulets for the last 14 years, so she identifies with them.

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Q: What family does the nurse belong to in Romeo and Juliet?
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In Romeo and Juliet What family does nurse belong to?

Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet is a Capulet.

Who tells romeo what family Juliet belongs too?

Depends, in the movie Romeo sees Juliet next to the nurse, her fiance and her mother. Like this, right away he figured out she was a Capulet. In the book, Romeo is told by the nurse that Juliet belongs to the Capulet Family.

Who does Juliet send to speak with Romeo?

The Nurse. :)

What has made the nurse angry at Romeo?

The nurse is angry at Romeo because he has caused Juliet distress by murdering Tybalt, who is Juliet's cousin. She feels torn between her loyalty to the Capulet family and her affection for Romeo.

Does the nurse die in the play Romeo and Juliet?

No, the nurse does not die in the Romeo and Juliet Play.

Who were the five main characters in Romeo and Juliet?

Juliet, Romeo, Tybalt, Nurse, Benvolio Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, Capulet Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Capulet, Tybalt Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Capulet, Mercutio, Tybalt Or basically Romeo and Juliet and any three of Nurse, Friar, Capulet, Mercutio, or Tybalt.

Who first tells romeo and Juliet who other is?

They both learn their respective identities from the nurse: Romeo first, then Juliet.

What does the nurse promised to do Romeo and Juliet?

The Nurse promises Juliet that she will go find Romeo and talk to him for her

Who is Juliet wating for for the message from romeo?

Juliet is waiting for the Nurse to bring her the message from Romeo. The Nurse is the one who has been communicating between Juliet and Romeo.

In romeo and Juliet who raises Juliet?

the nurse

Who was the go-between in romeo and Juliet?

The nurse, the nusre is the one that Juliet confides in and send messages to romeo through the Nurse.

What the name of romeos father in romeo and Juliet?

The name of Romeo's father is Lord Montague in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." Lord Montague is head of the Montague family, which is in a feud with the Capulet family, Juliet's family.