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Noble gases

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Q: What family of elements does not form bonds?
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What family of elements will not form chemical bonds?

Family 18

What family does not form any bonds because it is stable?

noble elements

Which family of elements in the Periodic Table form bonds by gaining electrons?

Non metals form bonds by gaining electrons. They form anions.

What are shared to form bonds when elements are combined?

Electrons, specifically valence electrons are shared when elements form bonds.

Why do elements in group 4A do not form ionic bonds?

Group-14 elements share electrons. they form covalent bonds.

Why do elements form bond?

Elements form bonds because of the attractions between atoms or ions. There are several types of bonds such as ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.

Why do group 4a elements tend to form covalent bonds?

Why does group 4A elements tend to form covalent bonds rather than ionic bonds? 

What type of elements do covalent bonds form between?

Rule of thumb answer is covalent bonds form between non metal elements.

What compounds does ionic bonds form?

they form elements

What elements can form covalent bonds with other elements?

This element is carbon.

When elements form bonds it changes their properties?

The properties of the elements are changed.

What group of elements don't form chemical bonds?

Noble gases do not usually form chemical bonds.