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Just a few of the most famous Roman structures are the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the temple of Venus and Rome, the Forum Romanum, the Aqueducts and of course, their roads.

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Q: What famous buildings were built by the Romans?
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What buildings did the Romans have?

The ancient Romans built aqueducts, roads, buildings, and many other structures that were built so well, they are still standing today. Some famous things the Romans are famous for building is the Colosseum, and the Pantheon.

What is a famous building?

the famous buildings is buildings that was famous well most buildings was built a long time ago

What did the Romans build that was waterproof?

The Romans built the piping for the water systems that was waterproof and leakproof; they also built the roofs of their buildings of waterproof tiles.

What famous structure did the Romans build?

The Colosseum, the Pantheon and Hadrian's Wall are three of the most famous structures that the Romans built.

Why are the ancient Romans remembered for their skill in engineering?

they built great buildings and figured out remarkable ways to do things

Why do you think so many US government buildings reflect Greek and Roman architecture?

Yes. Buildings like the Capitol and the White House were built in the neoclassical style, a style which copied the styles of the Greeks and Romans.

Did the Romans invent towns?

No, that's one invention you can't credit to the Romans. But they did improve the layout of their towns by their famous grid system, of roads and buildings.

What famous buildings did alvaro siza built?

Portugal pavelion at the exhibition EXPO 98.

Do the Romans seem better off or worse off under their new rulers than they were under Julius Caesar?

They were about the same. More buildings were built, more holidays, and plenty of games.

Were the Arabs Romans?

No, Arabs were never in there past Romans, But The Romans did conquer Arab land in the past and built several cities in Arab land, So one might think that Arabs were once Romans but actually they aren't (because of architecture of the buildings)

What was the name of the building Pericles built?

In the Anicent times, buildings was a message of power. Pericles took the idea, and built many buildings such as Acroplis, Pathernon and other famous buildings.

Were the ancient Romans good at building?

Yes, the ancient Romans were very good at building things.