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Q: What famous mythological figure played the lyre?
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Which famous mythological figure was known for playing the lyre?


Which greek god played the lyre?

Apollo is well known for playing the lyre, though myth might have it as Hermes invention. Artemis also played a lyre.

What is the greek hero orpheus was talented at the playing trombone or the lyre?

Orpheus played lyre. Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth.

What did Pythagoras discover about music?

he played the lyre

Which god invented the lyre?

Hermes used some of Apollo's cow guts to form a lyre. Apollo heard the music played from the lyre and offered to give Hermes his staff in return for the lyre.

Did Nero play the lyre while rome was burning?

According to legend, Nero, although the more famous version states that he played the fiddle while Rome burned (although the fiddle hadn't been invented yet).

Can you use the word lyre in a sentence?

Yes. There are many possibilities. Apollo, the great god of sun and poetry, played gracefully on his lyre.

What is the lyre chords cha cha?

Lyre chords for Cha Cha depend on the key it is played. The chords are primarily major and minor chords.

Why did Apollo play the lyre?

Apollo played the lyre because he liked playing it since he was little I think that's y hope it helped

Apollo loved to play what instrument?

His favorite, and the one he's most famous for is the Lyre.

Did Apollo play the harp?

He played the lyre, which is a type of small harp.

Did Pythagoras play a musical instrument?

he played the lyre throughout his lifetime