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Adolf Hitler, Charles Darwin, Andy Warhol, Abigail Breslin, FlorenceNightingale.

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Q: What famous people have hypochondriasis disorder?
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What is the name of the disorder that you think you have a disorder?

Hypochondriasis - or it could in plain be health anxiety!

What are forms of somatoform disorders?

Conversion disorder. Pain disorder. Hypochondriasis. Body dysmorphic disorder.

What are two somatoform disorder?

Two examples of somatoform disorder would be hypochondriasis and conversion disorder. Hypochondriasis is a preoccupation with fears about a real physical problem but that fear exaggerates the severity of the illness. Conversion disorder is a presence of a motor of sensory symptom with no medical reason.

What is the difference between hypochondriasis and somatization disorder?

The primary difference between hypochondriasis and somatization disorder is that people manifesting the former are fearful that their symptoms indicate a serious disease(s), whereas those with somatization disorder typically do not progress beyond a concern with the symptoms themselves.

What are the demographics of hypochondriasis?

Hypochondriasis can affect people of any age, gender, or socioeconomic background. It is more common in adults than in children, and typically begins in early adulthood. Individuals with a family history of anxiety or other mental health disorders may be at higher risk for developing hypochondriasis.

Body dysmorphic disorder and hypochondriasis are both examples of WHAT disorders?

somatoform. are you doing an online quiz too? XD

What is hypochondriasis disorder and conversion disorder?

Both are actually somatoform disorders. Hypochondriasis is a preoccupation with fears about a real physical problem where the severity of the illness is misconceived. The preoccupation will persist even with disconfirming evidence. Conversion is a presence of a motor or sensory symptom that cannot be medically explained in fact sometimes is anatomically impossible. The symptoms are not intentionally feigned and often the cause is presumed to be a traumatic event.

Are there any famous people that have nightmare disorder?

To the best of my knowledge through extensive research there are no famous people who have been diagnosed with nightmare disorder.

What famous people have had hypercholesterolemia disorder?

Dana Carvey

What Famous people have Conversion Disorder?

leonardo decarpio

What conditions may obsessive-compulsive disorder be related to?

the continual urge to pull out body hair (trichotillomania) fear of having a serious disease (hypochondriasis ) or preoccupation with imagined defects in personal appearance disorder (body dysmorphia)

Are there any famous people who suffer from delusional disorder?
