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Q: What fancy dress looks hot on a guy?
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It is when two celebrities wear the same clothes or dress and who have got to say which one looks hot and which one is not

What can I wear to a fancy dress party with the theme of song titles?

You could go as "Hot and Cold" by Katy Perry and be an icecube/flame

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I just saw this on TV, that guy is HOT

How do you look hot for your crush?

Find out what they think looks hot its their style u need to look at then dress like that but don't give urself up

What are some sentences for exaggerating?

OMG, I will die if I don't get that new dress!OMG, that guy is so hot you can fry eggs on him!

What does it mean when a guy says that you look elegant?

elegant is a fancy word for: nice, pretty, beautiful. also as most guys would say, "hot".

How do you Make yourself unresistable to a guy?

Im a guy and to tell you the truth it has to be your personality and still look hot. If your not good in the personality than try to make up the personality fault with the looks good. To dress to a guys liking you have to dress slutty or dress like a normal girl it's up to you but for personality it has to like a normal girl but you not a afraid to be dirty like stick your boobs in someones face or give someone a hicky. I will warn you watch out for the other girls they will get jelous

When you pass by a guy and the guy looks at you as you pass mean that he likes you?

It may, it may not. He may just think you are hot.

Why are women so picky with men?

because it has to be the right one Woman are picky with men because to me woman only depended on looks and not the qualities of the man. Woman only like hot guys, and they will only date a guy for their looks, but what woman do not realize is that just because the guy is hot does NT mean that the guy is right for them in life, there could be reasons for why woman only go for hot guys.

What are the chances of a ugly girl getting a hot guy?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She might be ugly to you, but not to him. Not everything is about looks.

How do ugly girls find a hot guy to go on a date with and hopefully get him to your boyfriend?

if i were u or if i was a guy i would go by personality it really doesnt matter about the looks because today a boy asked me out i was lke so surprised but that's all that matters personality not looks the way u dress ect, but go by my advice the bestAnswerGetting a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to be gorgeous. If the "hot" guys don't take the time to get to know you, and get past your face, he probably is really shallow. Shallow guys are not the best guys to pursue when you are an ugo.

What is the sexiest kind of lipgloss?

it depends on what color you like but the most commons and my personal fav. are red with fancy black dress [occasionally], light pink is very hot to other shades of pink