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Q: What fats are preferred for various bakeshop applications?
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Why are mono-unsaturated fats the preferred fats?

Because they are a bit healthier for your body. If the fat is saturated then it is not good for you but since this is unsaturated it uis good.

What is the preferred source of energy for the heart muscle?

The preferred source of energy for the heart muscle is fatty acids. Fatty acids are "good fats" that are main sources of energy for cells.

Preferred fuel for most body functions?

There is some debate as to whether carbohydrates or fats are the body's preferred fuel. However, the body will burn carbohydrates in the form of glucose before it burns fat.

What is the difference in the way saturated and unsaturated fats act in the body?

The difference between saturated and unsaturated fats lies in the bond, because the shapes determine how the various fats act in the body.

What is simple lipids?

simple lipid is define to as esters of fatty acids with various alcohols. Types: a.neutral fats(fats and oils) b.waxes

Is lipid simple?

simple lipid is define to as esters of fatty acids with various alcohols. Types: a.neutral fats(fats and oils) b.waxes

Why are fats not the body's preferred exercise fuel?

Because cells use sugar not fat and therefore the fat needs to be converted back to sugars before it can be used.

How are soap paint and solvents made?

Soaps are made by the process of saponification of fats and oils. Paints and solvents are solutions of various chemicals.

Fats domino the fat man?

Probably fats because he is fats the fats in the fats are fat.

What are 2 classes of fats?

There are four primary categories of fats. These include monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats, as well as trans fats.

Why don't fats gelatinize?

Gelatin is a natural protein derived from collagen in various animal byproducts such as tendons, skin, and hooves. It is purified for use in foods and several industrial products. Pure fat contains no gelatin and cannot gel. Saturated fats can solidify but will separate into layers or strands in other fats rather than a gel.

How do organisms store fat and energy for later use?

Breaking down fats and carbohydrates with various substances, into Glucose and storing them as ATP through various chemical reactions, such as the Electron Transport Chain. It depends on the Organism.