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Q: What fault has shearing stress?
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What fault would create landforms through shearing stress?

strike slip fault

What type of stress force that produces a strike-slip fault is?


Are faults caused by stress?

Yes, a strike-slip fault is caused by shearing.

What stress causes a slip-strike fault?

The stress that causes strike-slip faults is produced by a shearing force and so is called shear stress.

What type of fault has shearing?

A strike-slip fault

What is the ratio of modulus of rigidity?

shearing stress to shearing strain

What type of fault is produced from shearing?

The deformation of a material so that its layers move laterally over each other. In geology, shearing bends, twists, and draws out rocks along a fault or thrust plane. Such shearing is sometimes accompanied by shattering or crushing of the rock near the fault. A shearing force acts parallel to a plane rather than perpendicularly. Shear stress is the force or forces applied tangentially to the surface of a body and causing bending, twisting, or drawing out of that body.

What is the stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions called?

The stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions is called tension. Shearing is the stress force that causes a mass of rock to pull or twist in opposite directions.

What type of fault is caused by shearing San Andres fault in California?

A transverse fault

Which fault is most likely to occur with shearing?

Strike-slip fault

What fault is caused by shearing forces?

Transform or Strike Slip Fault

A what fault has a shearing force?

strike slip