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In "Great Expectations", Pip renames Abel Magwich, Uncle Provis. Upon learning, Uncle Provis' treacherous accomplice, Compeyson is looking nearby for him, he and Herbert vow to find a way to get him to safety before the police can find him.

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Pip fears that if Provis is caught and identified as the escaped convict, it will ruin any chance he has with Estella. He also fears for Provis's safety and wants to protect him from potential harm.

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Q: What fear leads him to plan Provis's escape from the country in great expectations?
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well i dont know all of them but try the great escape games if you do play them in order here is the order 1the great kitchen esccape 2the great living room escape 3the great bathroom escape 4the great basement escape 5the great bedroom escape 6the great attic escape 7the great house escape which wraps them up