

Great Expectations

"Great Expectations" is a realistic fiction by English novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870). It was published in weekly sections from 1860-1861 and tells of the story of a common boy nicknamed "Pip." The novel commemorates the moral of setting love and virtue as a priority over monetary value and class.

716 Questions

Which of these descriptions best fits Compeyson, according to Magwitch?

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Asked by monique robles

Compeyson is described by Magwitch as a smooth-talking, charming man who is manipulative and deceitful. Magwitch sees Compeyson as having a refined and polished appearance but a malicious and cunning nature underneath.

Based on the information in this passage, what can be concluded about Drummle?

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Asked by monique robles

Drummle is portrayed as arrogant and condescending, with a lack of regard for others' feelings. His behavior towards Pip's friend, Biddy, suggests he is dismissive and disrespectful. Overall, Drummle comes across as an unpleasant character who lacks empathy and consideration for those around him.

What is the expectation for RGM schedule?

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The expectation for a RGM (Restaurant General Manager) schedule typically includes working during peak restaurant hours, which can involve evenings, weekends, and holidays. RGMs are often expected to work long hours to oversee operations, manage staff, and ensure quality service. Flexibility in scheduling is crucial to accommodate the demands of running a restaurant effectively.

What is estellas last name in great expectations?

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Estella's last name in "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens is Havisham, which she adopts from her adopted mother, Miss Havisham.

Where did Wemmick get his brooch What dose he mean my guiding star always is get hold of portable property In great expectations?

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Wemmick received his brooch as a gift from Miss Skiffins. When he mentions his "guiding star" being to "get hold of portable property," he is emphasizing the importance of financial security and the need to acquire assets that can be easily carried or converted into cash in times of need. This reflects his practical and cautious approach to life, contrasting with his more whimsical and eccentric behavior outside of work.

What type of connotation is used in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens by Charles dickens?

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"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens primarily uses connotations that evoke feelings of growth, ambition, and the passage of time. The novel explores themes of social class, personal growth, and redemption through its vivid characters and settings.

Whom does Pip come across first when he returns to the marshes?

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Pip first encounters the young and arrogant boy, Trabb's boy, when he returns to the marshes.

Where had Biddy seen Orlick on the night Mrs. Joe died?

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Biddy saw Orlick on the night Mrs. Joe died at the Three Jolly Bargemen pub. She noticed him hanging around outside while she was at the pub with Joe Gargery.

What was the convict doing when pip left him at the battery in the Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

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The convict was sitting on the ground by the fire, cooking some food when Pip left him at the battery.

What are the most important conflicts in great expectations?

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Some of the most important conflicts in "Great Expectations" include Pip's internal struggle to define his own identity and moral values, his conflicted feelings towards Estella and Miss Havisham, the social class divide between characters, and Pip's ongoing battle with guilt and redemption. These conflicts drive the narrative forward and shape Pip's journey of self-discovery and growth.

What is the sluice -house mean in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

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In "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, the sluice-house refers to a building located near the marshes where Pip encounters the convict Abel Magwitch. It serves as a setting for significant events early in the novel, such as Pip's encounter with Magwitch and the pivotal moment when Pip helps the convict by stealing food and a file.

What was Miss Havisham's behavior when Pip visits her?

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Miss Havisham's behavior when Pip visits her is eccentric and erratic. She is a recluse who is still in her wedding gown, surrounded by decaying wedding items. She exhibits a mixture of bitterness, resentment, and detachment towards Pip and others.

What did mr wopsle's great aunt have a tendency to do at evening school in the great expectation?

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Mr. Wopsle's great aunt had a tendency to nod off and eventually fall asleep during evening school in "Great Expectations." Her constant nodding and eventual slumber often disrupted the class and made it challenging for Mr. Wopsle to focus on his studies.

What is the odd mannerism young Pip notices about the convict in chapter 5 of Great Expectations?

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Quote in Chapter 5:

"Then something that I had noticed before, clicked in the man's throat again, and he turned his back" (p. 30, Green Edition).

The convict is about to cry because he is so touched.

What actors and actresses appeared in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - 1989?

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The cast of Great Expectations - 2013 includes: Katie Allen as Camilla Pocket Christopher Ellison as Magwitch Josh Elwell as Joe Gargery Gareth Glen as Bentley Drummle Paul Nivison as Adult Pip Rhys Warrington as Herbert Pocket Paula Wilcox as Miss Havisham

What do you expect out of this trip and how will you work towards that expectation?

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Asked by Wiki User

I expect to relax and recharge. I plan to disconnect from work, engage in activities I enjoy, and connect with nature to achieve this goal.

Why were the cannons be fired in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

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The cannons were fired in Great Expectations to signal the escape of the convict, Magwitch, from the prison ship. This signaled the start of his journey as a fugitive in the story.

Where did Pip live with his sister?

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Pip lived with his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, in the village of the marshes near the town of Rochester in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations."

Where did Joe Mr Wopsle and Pip go after the handcuffs was repaired?

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Joe, Mr. Wopsle, and Pip went back to Joe's forge after the handcuffs were repaired. It was a long walk that they made in the direction of the Hulks, towards the village.

What is the theme of great expectation?

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There are very many themes, such as friendship and imprisonment.

Why does the selection of this young man as his companion confirm pips suspicions that Miss Havisham was his benefactor?

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The young man's resemblance to Miss Havisham and the use of the name "Pip" suggest a connection to Pip's benefactor. Additionally, the young man's knowledge of Pip's past and his invitation to visit Miss Havisham further confirm Pip's suspicions. This, combined with Pip's realization that the young man is Estella's brother, solidifies the link to Miss Havisham.

What Christmas treat does Pip give to the hungry convict in Great Expectations?

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Pip gives the hungry convict a pork pie and brandy when he meets him in the marshes on Christmas morning. The convict is grateful for the food and the kindness shown by Pip.

Why does pip need an guardian and a tutor?

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Pip needs a guardian to provide for his physical and financial needs as he is an orphan. The tutor helps educate him and prepare him for a successful future. Both roles are essential for his upbringing and development.