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the feast day of when all those who work take a break, relax, and celebrate this feast day!

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Q: What feast day was ranofer and heqet excited about?
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1. Page 104. "Well!" Heqet said with an effort at heartiness. "You're quite a stranger these days at the caterpillar said to the butterfly." 2. "Aye, but the second is more fun." Heqet grinned. "Said the rat as he walked straight into past the cheese and robbed the trap..." Page 119 3."Though of coarse we both have our natural beauty, as the hippopotamus said to the rat." Page 141 I'm doing this for an essay and thanks for writing this question! I"m glad to answer it! You kinda forced me to do this. Down below is some of my un-finished essay "A determined boy. A greedy half-brother. And a humorous friend." Eloise Jarvis McGraw furthers the characterization of Ranofer, Gebu, and Heqet through their actions in developing the plot throughout the novel. "Look!", someone says, "It's a boy running on top of that wall!" The peasant boy thought, run, run, run. Uh-oh. Jump. Please don't let me die .Ouch. How far did I fall? Must get up. Must get food! Run, run, run ­­­­­­­People ignore the person's words. They don't even glance at the boy. They act like they saw nothing but what they did know is that the boy wasn't breathing. This is a common day in ancient Egypt. In the Golden Goblet Ranofer is both determined and grateful. For example Ranofer was determined when he was in the tomb "Nervously Ranofer examined the figure more closely…" page 216. This is important because he found out the figure, which he thought was a person, was just a statue. He was determined in finding out what it was. As proof Ranofer is grateful when Gebu gave him a copper for money so he could buy some bread. "Ranofer wasted no time in taking advantage of Gebu's generosity." Page 74. Ranofer is very thankful for what Gebu gives him something because Ranofer's half-brother doesn't feed him usually. The Golden Goblet shows that Gebu is greedy and a thief! For one thing Gebu shows he's greedy when he takes all of Ranofer's coppers. Gebu got very mad when Ranofer forgot to get the coppers so he beat Ranofer because of something as silly as forgetting. Also Gebu is a thief when he went into the tombs with Wenamon to steal from the queen's beloved parent's tomb. Gebu shows that he doesn't seem nice in this book.

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Hercules is not a saint and has no feast day.

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