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Q: What feature formed by a glacier is shaped like an armchair armchair?
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Which of these feature formed by glaciers is shaped like an armchair?


Which surface feature formed by glaciers is shaped like an armchair?


What feature formed by glaciers is shaped like an armchair?


Which is a glacier feature caused by erosion?

In cross-section: A 'U' shaped valley is formed from glacial erosion. A 'V' shaped valley is formed by river erosion.

What features is formed by glaciers and is shaped like an armchair?


What is the shape of a valley that is eroded by a stream and a glacier?

A stream shaped valley is usually 'V' shaped. A glacier formed valley is usually 'U' shaped.

What is a canyon or a V shaped valley carved by?

A V-shaped valley has been formed by a river. A U-shaped valley has been formed by a glacier.

A bowl-shaped basin formed near the beginning of a glacier is called a?

A Cirque

What is a oval shaped hills formed by a glacier?

A Drum let is the proper term

What is a description of armchair shaped valleys?

Armchair-shaped valleys are U-shaped valleys that have a distinctive shape resembling an armchair. They are formed by glaciers eroding the landscape, creating steep side walls and a broad, flat bottom. These valleys are often found in mountainous regions where glaciers once existed.

How is called Armchair shaped valleys?

Armchair-shaped valleys are also known as U-shaped valleys. These valleys are typically wider and have steep, straight sides with a flat bottom. They are formed by glaciers as they move through a landscape, carving out the valley into its distinctive shape.

What forms as a glacier moves into a stream valley?

A 'V' shaped valley is formed by streams and water action. A 'U' shaped valley is formed by the gouging out of the valley walls by a glacier. A hanging valley is where side valleys are cut across by the main glacier. Hanging valleys often have waterfalls that fall into the main valley over a cliff.