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There brown skin

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Q: What feature helps to camouflage the waterbuck in the grass?
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Which feature helps to camouflage the waterbuck in the grass?


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It doesn't really represent anything but it helps zebras with their lives for variety of reasones: First, it helps it camouflage itself from predators in tall grass. ETC.

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It helps the frog camouflage ! :)

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Many insects use camouflage. Name one of the laws of camouflage.

How camouflage help an animal?

Well camouflage helps an animal blend into its environment, and it helps them not get eaten by their predators, and animals with camouflage are usually harder to find, for example the chameleon.

How does the cheetah camouflage?

it uses camouflage because of its fur

What are the grasslands of Africa like?

the grasslands of Africa are very warm, and most of the grass is brown, yellow, or gray. this helps with camouflage and the grass is very tall so it is easy to hide behind when you are looking for prey. your welcome:)!!!

How does camouflage help rabbits hide?

camouflage helps rabbits survive by blending into their surroundings.

Do king cobras camouflage?

It has this black brownish skin color it could hide in trees and when its dark.

How does camouflage help animals get food?

camouflage helps animals get food because it helps be hidden in brush or something and the prey would never see them

How is camouflage an adaptation?

Camouflage is an adaptation because it helps the organisms to survive without being prey to other animals or organisms. Adaptations help an animal to survive so having camouflage helps the animal not to be eaten!