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Q: What feature of life is illustrated by 'the bee collected nectar from the flowers?
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How honey is collected?

Honey is not collected - it is made by bees from nectar, which is collected from flowers.

What sugary liquid do bees get from flowers?

The sweet fluid produced by plants and collected by bees is known as nectar.

What do british honey bees eat?

The nectar collected form flowers and turned into honey and pollen collected from flowers. They may also eat sugar syrup provided to them by a human.

How much nectar to make 1 gram honey?

The amount of nectar to produce 1 gram of honey is equivalent to the total amount of nectar collected by bees from about 4000 flowers.

How di the bee gets its food?

Bees feed on nectar and pollen collected from flowers. They also make honey from nectar, which they store; and they also store pollen in the honeycomb. These stores are for when there is no fresh nectar and pollen available.

Do honey bees eat insects?

Honey bees do not eat insects, they are completely vegetarian. They live on nectar and pollen collected from flowers.

Does nectar help flowers grow?

In order to extract nectar from a flower you will need to use a small tube device that has a suction feature. You will suction the nectar out using the tube.

Why do bees have honey stomachs?

A bee uses its honey stomach to add various enzymes to the nectar that it has collected from flowers and turn it into honey.

Is nectar a flower?

No. But many flowers contain nectar.

Where do bees get necter from?

Bees get their nectar from flowers. Flowers produce nectar to attract animals to pollinate them.

What does the flowers benefit the honey bees on?

The flowers carry nectar, so when the bees collect the nectar they eat it. That helps produce the honey. The nectar in the flowers is the bees food source. Without flowers, the bees would all die out.

How can you make nectar?

by flowers