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They both give you temperature.

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Q: What features does both thermometers have in common?
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Related questions

What is common in fishes and thermometers?

Mercury is common in both fish and thermometers. Although nowadays they make thermometers without mercury in them.

What substance is used inside most thermometer's?

Alcohol is most common in modern thermometers. Early thermometers used mercury, but these pose a possible health threat. Today, both are being replaced by electronic instruments.

What do all thermometers have in common?

They tell temperature??

Which features do the viol and the violin have in common?

They are both played with bows.

How are thermometers and barometers alike?

They both have numbers on them

What features is common to both acids and bases?

Solubility in water.

What features do a liquid thermometer and a lab have in common?

they both measure temperature

Who created the liquid in glass thermometer?

The two most common liquids used in glass thermometers are mercury and alcohol, both of which were created by M. Nature. Alcohol thermometers are, or were, used in extremely cold areas like the Yukon, where the temperature could be expected to drop lower than -40 in the winter (-40 is where mercury freezes, and it is also the only temperature that is exactly the same on both Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers).

What is the most common element used in thermometers?

This element is mercury.

Which remote thermometers have the highest reviews?

There are several brands of remote thermometers with high reviews. Some of these brands include Grainger and Maverick. Both companies sell highly rated thermometers.

What is the name of the solution that can conduct electricity?

how about water, or Mercury as used in thermometers. both conductive.

What are the features that fish and birds have in common?

They both fly, one in the water and one in the air