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Q: What features ensure that the data you enter into a cell or range of cells is within limits?
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In Excel data validation features do not ensure that the data you enter into a cell or range of cells is within limits?

Yes, you can set ranges using validation options in Excel.

Biological activities that occur within the cells of organisms give rise to various .?

hydrocarbon chain shapes

What features do animal cells and plant cells have in common?

they have nucleus

Why are cells so inportant?

ALL life exists only within cells. Viruses are not living, and can act only within cells.

What are the normal limits for red blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. The normal limits for red blood cells for men are 4.7-6.1, and women the normal values are 4.2-5.4.

Where are lysosomes found in cells?

Anywhere within the cells

What does the body use to control within cells?

The body uses enzymes to control reactions within cells.

Where are chloroplasts located?

Chloroplasts are located in the palisade cells of the plant. Within these cells they are found within cytoplasm.

What does it mean to have a white blood cell count of 22000mm3?

A white blood cell count of 22000 mm3 is an elevation of white blood cells. This elevation of white blood cells could indicate infection or leukemia. When a test is not within normal limits, consult a physician as soon as possible.

What structure do red blood cells lack that limits their life span?


What are two features of eukaryotic cells that prokaryotic cells lack?

Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus

Why do babies have features from their parents?

because the sperm has the fathers cells in it and the egg have the mothers cells