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Its ability to hold its breath and its paddle shaped tail.

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Q: What features of the sea snake help it survive in the environment?
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How does the features of a cormorant help it survive in its environment?

they can easily catch fish by diving under the sea or water - if fishermen aren't around

How does the snake tongue help them to survive?

The tongue is used to help the snake find food and to respond to its environment. It can sense a source of heat with the tongue telling it if there is an animal near or danger. Some snakes have a gland behind the tongue that allows them to spit venom. The cobra is one snake that can do this.

How does life continue and adapt in response to environmental change?

Animals and human beings normally develop unique features that help them survive. Plants also develop features that enable them thrive in their environment.

Is individuals with variations that make them better adapted to their environment will not survive?

no organisms adapt to the environment to help them survive

How do the gills help the sticklebacks to survive in its environment?

The gills help it breathe.

What are the features of an camel to help it survive?

hump and padded feet

How do exteranal features help organisms to survive?

external body features help organisms survive by providing protection from other animals, and for a sort of armor material, as well as a possible mating insignia

Is their any genetic features to help to survive?

yes it helps because they have there own skill to survive its in there gens

What other features do lions have to help them to adapt to survive?

claws, teeth

How can adaptations help an animal in relation to their niche?

Adaptation helps animals survive in their environment or niche. Behavioral adaptation can be inherited or learnt. Anatomical adaptation depends on physical features such as shape.

How does the chameleons physical features help it to adapt to its environment?

they adapt