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It depends how you define "dynamic" and what you are trying to do but really HTML has no dynamic generated code.

Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is the coupling of standard, static HTML code with JavaScript.

You can use CSS selectors like :hover to tell your HTML what to do when someone hovers on an element.

But that only goes so far as to what you can do in terms of effects (FX). Most web developers use JavaScript libraries like jQuery to animate their content with smooth FX.

If you want to generate code without knowing HTML try using an editor called a "WYSIWYG" editor.

If you are trying to create a website and you don't want to copy paste the code to each page try using a "CMS" Content Management System like wordpress or drupal.

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Q: What features were added to HTML to produce dynamic HTML?
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HTML codes could be easily added to a webpage for the functionality. Dynamic web pages can made with HTML only.

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There is no such thing as Dynamic HTML. However, you can dynamicly display HTML with the use of some dynamic languages - like PHP or ASP.

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HTML has changed a lot from it's first version to the latest. A number of multimedia features are added while some are depreciated.

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Dynamic HTML is a combination of HTML tags and interactive web pages. Its basic elements include: an object-oriented view of web elements, cascading style sheets and dynamic fonts.

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HTML is, by its very nature, static. In order to add dynamic elements, you will need to use JavaScript.

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HTML by its very nature is static. If you desire to have a dynamic site, that requires a coding language like PHP, ASP, or other dynamic language. These dynamic languages typically also use HTML to create the structure for a web page.

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DHTML is an extension of HTML called Dynamic HTML which uses style sheets and JavaScript. This allows you to use small animations and Dynamic menus on your webpage.

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In structure <?php ?> <html> </html> in application - one is static and another is dynamic. this much ......

Is dynamic HTML the same as dHTML?

yep that is what the d stands for.