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The Amazons.

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Q: What female society cut off one breast for bowing?
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What events were women compete in?

woman were only aloud to do archery in the games but the had to cut off one of there breast. if they were right handed the had to cut off there right breast if they were left handed they would have to cut off there left breast

How do you cut female thread?

In general a female thread is cut with a tap. A male thread is cut with a die.

How do cut a chicken breast?

Wiv a nife.

What is the least expensive cut of lamb?

Breast of Lamb

How do you cut a whole chicen?

First take the wings off where they meet the breast. (Good rule of thumb is to find the joint and cut between it instead of trying to cut the bone.) Then cut the legs off, again at the joint. Seperate the breast part from the back. (Cut where the ribs meet the back.) Use your knife to cut where the breast bone is on both sides then slide the tip of the knife into one side of the breast between the meat and the bone and slowly cut till the breast is removed, repeat on other side. You should just have the thighs left at this point and it is just a matter of finding that joint again and cutting them free.

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How do you field dress?

You start by entering the knife at the bottom of the deer, for a female just pick a spot and for a male cut off the sack. You cut up the deer til you get to the breast bone when you get to that you pick one side of it and cut through it. Once you have the deer cut open you look down towards the butt end of the deer and you will see a tube like thing. You cut that and just gradually work your way up cutting out all the organs You start by entering the knife at the bottom of the deer, for a female just pick a spot and for a male cut off the sack. You cut up the deer til you get to the breast bone when you get to that you pick one side of it and cut through it. Once you have the deer cut open you look down towards the butt end of the deer and you will see a tube like thing. You cut that and just gradually work your way up cutting out all the organs

Would one split chicken breast actually be two breasts?

A split chicken breast is one breast- It is called split the breast bone and ribs are still attached. Before it is butchered, it is the breast bone and ribs with the two breasts, then cut in half, leaving it a split chicken breast.

Can a women cut off her breast?

through surgery yes you can, and they will not grow back.

What is the meaning of the word cleavages?

The meaning of the word cleavage means a split or a separation, a division or a cleft. Another meaning of the word cleavages refers to the hollow between the breast of a female and it is said that they are "revealing their cleavage" if they wear a low cut top.

Why is it unsual for a female to cut the first grape cluster?

It is unusual because a female does not usually do that.

What happens if you are a girl and cheat in the Olympics?

They cut your breast off and sell them to the black market.