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Q: What festival do people celebrate on the 6th of January?
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What do french people celebrate on the 6th January?

they celebrate "les rois", i.e. "the Wise Men"

Who celebrate the festivals?

The Hindus Celebrate this festival, on the eve before the 6th moon.

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The Hindus Celebrate this festival, on the eve before the 6th moon.

Do Mexicans celebrate Los Tres Reyes Magos?

Yes, they do. It is celebrated on January 6th and is usually the day when Mexican people exchange presents.

What are Switzerland's beliefs?

some of Switzerland's celebrations of Epiphany which is when they celebrate the three kings to baby Jesus and they celebrate it January 6th

What day do you celebrate the three kings?

The night of the January 5th and open the presents the 6th in the morning

What are the 2 interesting customs or traditions that the people in France do to celebrate christmas?

People in France celebrate CHRISTMAS on December 6th

Do Armenia celebrates Christmas?

Armenians celebrate Christmas on the 6th of January.There was an ancient pagan feast day which was a problem, because since most were Christians at that time, paganism (the worship of Sun, Moon, Fire, idols etc…) was fading out except for this one festival dedicated to light which was called the Festival of Lights. People could not forget about this festival, so they moved the birth of Christ to December 25th so that the people would start to forget about that pagan feast day. And so it was… however back in Armenia, this problem did not exist since Armenians had done away with paganism back in the year 301A.D. when Armenia became the first Christian Nation.So, Armenians celebrate Christmas, Theophany (the Revelation of God) - since when He was baptized in the River Jordan, the heavens opened up and God's voice said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." (Matt. 3:17) ), and the Baptism of Christ on the 6th of January.Like all of us ,Armenians celebrate the new year in Dec.31 ,and the x-mas or Sourp dznount in Armenian in Jan. 6.

What do you celebrate on the feast of Epiphany?

Epiphany is a Christian holiday celebrating the Magi visiting the infant Jesus. (January 6th)

What is women's Christmas in Ireland?

It is on the 6th of January each year. It is an old tradition in the countryside where women of different generations would celebrate together. It marks the end of the Christmas period. The 6th of January is also known as the Epiphany.

What is the difference between Spanish Christmas and English Christmas?

The major difference between Christmas in Spain and Christmas in America is that in Spain Celebrates (6th January) is the highlight of the festival . January 6th is the Feast of the Three Kings, and it is when presents are exchanged. There are processions with decorated floats, people dressed as the Three Kings and other Biblical characters etc, it is a huge festival. I hope this helps =) !! The major difference between Christmas in Spain and Christmas in America is that in Spain Celebrates (6th January) is the highlight of the festival . January 6th is the Feast of the Three Kings, and it is when presents are exchanged. There are processions with decorated floats, people dressed as the Three Kings and other Biblical characters etc, it is a huge festival.I hope this helps =) !!

How do you spell epiphimay?

If you mean EPIPHANY (a revelation or showing, as in the Christian festival on 6th January when the baby Jesus was 'shown' to the three wise men) then that is how you spell it.