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Your thumb on the space bar.

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Q: What finger types only one letter?
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Related questions

Why do Canadians use only one finger when flipping someone the bird?

The same reason Americans do. Because it's only one finger (the middle finger) used when flipping the bird.

Can you wear all the rings on the same finger?

No rings are to be worn one on a finger at a time and only on the ring finger.

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Superstition behind itchy pinky finger?

A itchy pinky finger does not have a superstition. The only finger with one is a ring finger it means marriage in your future.

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What is root words?

A letter that has only one syllable.

What does it mean if you put the middle finger up in Islam?

It is not the middle finger.The hand fingers are called:thumbthe index finger (next to the thumb)the middle finger (in the middle)the ring finger (though this is customarily used for the left hand only)the "little finger" or the "pinkie" (the smallest and last finger)Usually, Muslims put the the index finger (next to the thumb) up when viewing a funeral and during praying as sign that Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) is one and only one God with no partner.

Can a person have two different types of fingerprints on one hand?

Yes! Because i have it. On my second finger is, on my right is a whorl. An the other is a loop ^^

Is the index finger the middle finger?

No, the index finger is next to the thumb. Then the middle finger. Then the ring finger. Then the little finger, sometimes called pinky. no its the one between the middle finger and the thumb. The one you point it.

Why does a letter only have one date?

Letter-writing etiquette dictates that the author of the letter dates the letter on the day they write it, so that date is the only one that appears on the letter.

Is the middle finger a finger?

Yes the middle finger is a finger! You just called it one!

What finger is the ring finger?

The one that you put the ring on. the one next to the pinky finger on the left hand