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Q: What finley ground powder gives paint its color?
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Is amla powder mix with henna powder for hair?

Yes, it gives more of a brown color and cuts down on the brassy tones.

What metal must be added to a firework to give it a blue color?

what gives fireworks its blue color is silver burning aluminum , titanium,magnesium powder.

What metal must be added to a fireworks to give it a blue color?

what gives fireworks its blue color is silver burning aluminum , titanium,magnesium powder.

What is the chemical name Anato Powder?

The major chemical compound that gives annatto its color is called "bixin". It's a carotenoid.

What do flash powder do in a firework?

Black powder, in fact is the term used in fireworks. Otherwise, it may be referred to as gunpowder although black powder has now become a more acceptable term because it is no longer used in guns(except for the antique ones). Guns now utilize smokeless powders.

What does weight gain powder do?

weight gain powder gives you more muscle.

What is the yellow powder that gives a pungent smell when left open in air?

sulphur powder

What spice can you use in place of turmeric?

Cayenne Pepper, Perhaps? Used sparingly, at least compared with the amount of chili powder you would normally used.

What is the substance that gives your hair color?

the substance that gives hair it color is the genes from your mom or your dad_____________________Melanin gives hair its color.

Can ground rice be substituted for ground almonds in cake recipes?

No, your cake will be dry and terrible. You can substitute another ground nut.

What does a typical firework contain?

Gun Powder, a shell casing (usually cardboard, cotton, and other various paper products) and an element, when burned, gives off a specific color.

What is finishing powder?

finishing powder is a powder that helps keep your makeup on and it reflects off the light so it gives you a natural glow