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Cardinal Tetras are from the very tropical, acid waters of the Amazonian Rainforest. Almost any small fish species that comes either from the same area or places that have similar water conditions should be OK with them. The species that come to mind are most Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Rasboras, Corydoras, and most of the Dwarf Amazonian Cichlids like Rams etc.

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Q: What fish can you keep with cardinal tetras?
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What fish can you keep with discus?

rams, cardinal and rummynose tetras, corydoras, and BN plecos those are the best, there are a few other, but take caution

Do male cardinal tetras fight?

Aaahhh! Male cardinal tetras Ooohhh! Who asked this?

Does a cardinal neon and lemon fish live together?

Yes, they are all tetras and should get along fine.

Can you keep tetras and guppies with dwarf angelfish?

Yes. Tetras, guppies and angelfish can coexist in one fish tank. Keep in mind that Angel fish will get territorial when they are mating.

Are tetras saltwater fish?

Tetras are freshwater fish.

Could you keep fantail fish and tetras together in the same tank?

if its a fantail gup. yea tetras and gups go together

Do angelfish eat cardinal tetras?

Depending on their sizes, yes.

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance

What are compatible with neon tetras?

You can keep any other community fish with neon tetras. Ask your local pet store to find out what fish breeds are allowed with tetras. Here are a few: guppies, cardinal tetras, honey gourami, swordtails, corydoras, zebra danio, harlequin fish, mollies, and other small fish.You are not able to keep them with bigger species of fish such as angel fish

What is a neon fish?

Neons of members of a group of fish named tetras. Neon tetras are a very colorful freshwater fish, showing blue and red horizontal lines on their body, they tend to school when there are more than a few in a tank. There are many different types of tetras, some are a little more aggressive than others, names of some common tetras food in pet stores, cardinal (looks similar to a neon in color), glo-lite (bright orange stripe), headlight/taillight, bleeding heart (has as small red spot that is shaped like a heart), cardinal, buenos aires, black, black neon, the list goes on.

What are Teeny tiny bright tropical fish?

That depends upon what you call "Teeny tiny". Neon and Cardinal Tetras would probably be the brightest coloured of the small (around 1 to 1.5 inch) fish.

Do neon or cardinal tetras really need to be placed in a settled tank?
