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Tiger Oscars really should only be kept with Tiger Oscars. if you can find a fish that can grow to be equally large and have the temperament to survive with an Oscar then by all means try to keep them together, but Oscars will eat anything.

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Q: What fish can you keep with your Tiger Oscars?
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Which types of fish are big fish?

If you are talking about fish that can be used in tanks, oscars, tiger fish, and lionhead. These fish start out small, but if they make it, they get very large.

What can you do to keep two 4-inch long Oscars mentally stimulated?

The Oscar fish naturally stay calm when they are in a pair.keeping more than two Oscars in the same fish tank can cause then to get aggressiveso keep two Oscars at the max in one tank.

Are albino Oscars and tiger Oscars the same?

No, Albino Oscars ore white with pale orange designs, and tiger Oscars are black with a kind of orange tiger design on it. I recommend getting a tiger Oscar because often albinos are blind.

Can albino Oscars and tiger Oscars mate?

Yes, but i am not sure what patches of color will the baby will have.

Good things for Oscars to eat?

Oscars (the fish) are supposed to eat goldfish, but they probably have a fish food for them on the market.

Can you keep tiger barb and moleys together in a fish bowl?

no. a fish bowl is way way way too small for any fish, let alone a group of tiger barbs and mollies.

Can Tiger fish be with goldfish?

No it will not. However, if there are 3 or more tiger barbs, then they might get the courage to nip at its fins. And i Highly advise you not to keep tiger barbs with goldfish because tiger barbs live in warm water (about 70-85 degrees). and gold fish live in colder water. The tiger barb would ultimately die.

Shall you keep all Oscar fish in one tank?

If the tank is large enough. For rearing young Oscars a 50 gallon tank is about right for 5 fish.

How do you get tiger fish on fish with attitude?

Brave fish + Adventure fish = Tiger fish

Is the striped fish called tiger fish or lionfish?

it is a tiger fish

Can you have African Knife fish with Oscars in a tank?

I do

How often do Oscars breed?

Oscars are a type of fish that live in tropical waters. Fish that are captive will lay eggs approximately every thirty days.