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Fish local to their surroundings, as well as small mammals like mice.

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Q: What fish do pandas eat?
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Do pandas eat fish?

panda bears do eat soloman only when they need meat. scientists believe that some panda bears that live in the zoo eat fish because they are trained to9 do so.

What kind of fish do giant pandas eat?

i really don't know *)

What do pandas mostly eat?

Giant pandas have a diet made up of 99% bamboo but will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available.

How many pounds of fish do pandas eat every day?

None. Although the Giant panda is omnivorous, it's diet consists of 99% bamboo. The red panda have a larger range of foods in their diet, but it's highly improbable they dine at Pizza Hut.

Do pandas eat sea creature?

No pandas eat fish. The panda only eats bamboo, which is why it is endangered, because bamboo grows in uncultivated areas of the world.

What are all the things pandas eat?

Panda eat...Berries, bamboo, grass, and rarely fish. Mostly bamboo, although its nutritious value is lousy. The trick is to eat lots of that stuff! Pandas eat berry because it is sweet and a treat among them. I actually do not know why they eat fish or grass....

Do giant pandas eat fish?

Yes, they eat fish, a species of deer, some species of monkey and accidently bamboo rats sometimes, as well as bamboo. Although, they don't eat it often because of their slow speed, but pandas will eat meat whenever they can get it, which is rare.

What do wild giant pandas eat?

well wild giant pandas eat bamboo,honey,eggs,fish,yams,shrub leaves,bananas and oranges (im not kidding about the honey)

What animals are prey of pandas?

Pandas do not prey on other animals, they only eat bamboo, lots and lots of it.

What kind of small animals do giant pandas eat?

they do not eat insects they eat bamboo shots fish plants roots or some other wierd stuff o-o :D

Are pandas conavores?

No. A panda's diet is 99% bamboo, but they also eat fish, so that makes them omnivores.

What kind food do pandas eat?

pandas basicly eat fruit,bamboo and vegetables.