

What fish eat mosquitoes other than the mosquito fish?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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trout, they eat any bugs that they see on the top of a stream or river, that is how fly fishing is successful

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Q: What fish eat mosquitoes other than the mosquito fish?
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Do mosquitoes bite animals more than humans?

depends on the mosquito i guess

Which country does not have a single mosquito?

Iceland is the country which is more free from mosquitoes, than any other.

What are the most famous insects?

The most famous insect is probably the mosquito. Mosquitoes are responsible for more sickness and death than any other organism.

What plant does a mosquito eat?

Mosquitoes drink blood and eat insect smaller than itself

What is the name of male mosquito?

You may think all mosquitoes are out to get you, but that's simply not true. Similar to other insect species like the praying mantis, only female mosquitoes are a threat to humans. As you read through the differences between female mosquitoes and male mosquitoes, be prepared for some surprises! * Both male and female mosquitoes eat flower nectar for nourishment * Female mosquitoes bite humans and animals so they can receive protein. This protein helps them lay eggs, thus bringing more blood-sucking mosquitoes into the world * A female mosquito has a ridged proboscis to pierce human and animal skin. Because of the serrated edges of her proboscis, her bite usually goes undetected until the itchiness sets in * A male mosquito has a proboscis, but it does not have ragged edges for biting * Male mosquitoes are slightly smaller than females * Only female mosquitoes make that annoying mosquito sound that puts you on red alert It's amazing to see the difference genders can make, isn't it!? Now you can rest at ease when you see a mosquito that doesn't make noise and only save your jumping for those pesky females that love to buzz before they bite.

What is the most deadlyest animal in the rainforest?

The deadliest animal in the rain forest is a mosquito. Mosquitoes suck human blood in order to reproduce, so only the female mosquito bites you. When biting you they can infect you with deadly diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and typhoid fever. mosquitoes have killed more people on earth than all other animals combined.

Which is the most disturbing insect a mosquito or housefly?

housefly...though mosquitoes are irritating,but never more than a horrible housefly...

How many people die because of mosquitoes?

Many people think no person dies from a mosquito, But if they bothered to search it up they would know more than 2,000,000 people die from mosquitoes.

What animals was killed by insecticides other than mosquitoes?

Other than mosquitoes, there are flies, rats, and any small insect

Which is more similar a segmented worm or a mosquito and a cane fly?

Mosquitoes and (Crane) flies are all closely related. They are much more closely related to each other than to segmented worms.

Why are mosquito's a menace?

They just are. Period. End of story. :) Mosquitoes are a menace due to the fact that they spread diseases such as malaria, dengue facer and Japanese encephalitis. Mosquito borne diseases are responsible for more human deaths than all the world wars.

What is the biggest mosquito?

The largest mosquito is a species called Toxorhynchites speciosus. They grow up to one and a half inches (the females always larger than the males). They are native to Australia and do not bite people/animals and they do not drink blood. Their nickname is "Mosquito hawks", because despite being mosquitoes themselves, they eat other species of mosquito. They also occasionally eat sap, honeydew and the rotting flesh of fruit. They lay their eggs inside a nest which contains the eggs of other mosquito species. When the mosquito hawk eggs hatch, the larvae eats the eggs of the other mosquito species.