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Herons, egrets, cormorants, anhingas, ducks, seagulls, terns, loons, and many others.

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Q: What fish eating birds live in New York?
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A fish can live for about 4 years. if well tended

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Flying fish are definetly not birds. They are an evolved species of fish belonging to the family name of Exocoetidae, and live all over the world in the Capricorn region.

Where do birds live in ponds?

Birds do not live in ponds. They visit the pond to wash, drink, and catch fish and frogs for food. Birds usually live in nests which are in the trees, mountains or tall buildings.

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What does terrarium have to do with Aviary?

At the zoo: Fish live in an aquarium (water tank). Lizards live in a terrarium (earth tank). Birds live in an aviary (big cage for birds).

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Bird eating spiders live in the Canopy because that's where a lot of birds live.

Why is a fish not a bird?

When evolution occurred, there might have been creatures who were a combination of birds and fish. Over time, some of these went to live in water, while others went to live in the sky. So, the water creatures adapted and became fish, and the sky creatures adapted and became birds. This is a common theory about the relevance of birds to fish, it's not my theory!

What animals live on the river Lagan?

There are many animals that live in and near the river Liffey. These animals include fish and many species of birds.