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Q: What fixed asset is not depreciated over time?
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What is the difference between asset write off and asset disposal?

When an asset is damaged beyond repair and you scrap it, you write it off. It may or may not be fully depreciated at that time. If it's not fully depreciated yet, your amt for Fixed assets written off would equal to the net book value. When you write off an asset, you don't get any proceeds for it. When you dispose of an asset by selling it, you'd get some proceeds from the sale and you use this amt to calculate your gain or loss on sale of fixed asset.

Can assets become expenses over time?

Certain assets (like equipment or goodwill) can depreciated or amortized over time. Other assets (like land) are not amortized. An asset that is available to be depreciated can be expensed over time according to the associated depreciation schedule for that particular asset class. Often, a journal entry is made at the end of each year. The journal entry would reflect a credit to an asset account and a debit to an expense account.

What are the terms depreciable value salvage value and estimated life mean?

Depreciable Value: It is the value of asset up to which any asset can be depreciated. Salvage Value: It is the value which a company can get on sale of fully depreciated asset. Estimated useful Life: It is that life of an assets which a company determine at the time of purchase for which an asset can be utilized in business to generate revenue.

What does asset mean what does asset mean?

asset is anything that appreciate in value over a period of time

What are the Accounts that comes under fixed asset?

PP&E are considered the fixed asset accounts. Property, Plant and Equipment. These include things that generally last for long periods of time. Land, Buildings, Vehicles, Machinery used in the business, etc.

Related questions

What is the difference between asset write off and asset disposal?

When an asset is damaged beyond repair and you scrap it, you write it off. It may or may not be fully depreciated at that time. If it's not fully depreciated yet, your amt for Fixed assets written off would equal to the net book value. When you write off an asset, you don't get any proceeds for it. When you dispose of an asset by selling it, you'd get some proceeds from the sale and you use this amt to calculate your gain or loss on sale of fixed asset.

Can assets become expenses over time?

Certain assets (like equipment or goodwill) can depreciated or amortized over time. Other assets (like land) are not amortized. An asset that is available to be depreciated can be expensed over time according to the associated depreciation schedule for that particular asset class. Often, a journal entry is made at the end of each year. The journal entry would reflect a credit to an asset account and a debit to an expense account.

What is capitalisation of fixed assets?

Capitalization of fixed assets is the process of recording a long-term, tangible asset as an entry on a company's balance sheet rather than as an expense on the income statement. This allows the cost of the asset to be spread out over time through depreciation, reflecting its usefulness and value to the business over its useful life.

What are the terms depreciable value salvage value and estimated life mean?

Depreciable Value: It is the value of asset up to which any asset can be depreciated. Salvage Value: It is the value which a company can get on sale of fully depreciated asset. Estimated useful Life: It is that life of an assets which a company determine at the time of purchase for which an asset can be utilized in business to generate revenue.

Why do businesses depreciate fixed assets?

All fixed assets will decline in value over time, by depreciating( the decline in the estimated value of a fixed asset over time) the assets retain some value and the end of their useful life. The profits will also be correctly valued.

Do you depreciate an asset in the year of sale?

Yes assets are depreciated in year of sale upto the sale time in fiscal year of sale. IF asset is sold at start of year then there is no depreciation for that fiscal year.

Do you include warranty charges on the initial cost of a fixed asset?

Include the cost of extended maintenance/warranty contracts in the asset valuation if the contract is purchased at the same time (or soon thereafter) as the capital asset. Depreciate these contracts over the useful life of the asset not the the contract life. Do not capitalize payments for contracts not purchased at the same time as the capital asset.

What does asset mean what does asset mean?

asset is anything that appreciate in value over a period of time

The expense associated with the decrease in economic usefulness of a fixed asset with the passage of time is?


Why is depreciation unnecessary when fixed assets is properly maintained?

Depreciation is a systematic allocation of the cost of a fixed asset over its useful life. It is not tied directly to the physical condition of the asset but is an accounting method to match the cost of the asset with the revenue it generates over time. Even when fixed assets are properly maintained and remain in good physical condition, they still undergo wear and tear or obsolescence over time. Depreciation reflects the gradual decrease in the asset's value as it contributes to generating revenue for the business. Here are a few reasons why depreciation is considered necessary, even for well-maintained fixed assets: **Matching Principle:** Depreciation aligns with the matching principle in accounting, where the costs associated with generating revenue should be recognized in the same period as the revenue is earned. Allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life helps in presenting a more accurate picture of the business's financial performance. **Asset Replacement:** Even if an asset is well-maintained, it will eventually need replacement due to technological advancements or changing business needs. Depreciation allows a business to set aside funds for the eventual replacement of the asset. **Financial Reporting:** Depreciation is crucial for providing a true and fair view of a company's financial position. It helps in presenting a more accurate balance sheet by reflecting the reduction in the value of fixed assets over time. **Tax Deductions:** Depreciation is often tax-deductible, providing businesses with tax benefits over the useful life of the asset. This can significantly impact a company's cash flow and tax liability. In summary, while proper maintenance can extend the physical life of fixed assets, depreciation is still necessary for accurate financial reporting, adhering to accounting principles, planning for asset replacement, and realizing tax benefits. It's a financial concept rather than a direct reflection of an asset's condition.

How to Make A Lapsing Schedule of Fixed Assets?

A lapsing schedule of fixed assets is a tool used by accountants to mark the depreciation value over time. The schedule includes original purchase cost of each asset, sales of the assets and accumulated depreciation.

What are the Accounts that comes under fixed asset?

PP&E are considered the fixed asset accounts. Property, Plant and Equipment. These include things that generally last for long periods of time. Land, Buildings, Vehicles, Machinery used in the business, etc.