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She was cruel to some people. She also couldn't help making people fall in love with echother.

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Q: What flaws did Aphrodite have?
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What is Aphrodite's personality flaws?

Aphrodite was very beautiful, but she also very vain. Her self centered ideas and jealousy led her to make anyone she felt was prettier than she miserable.

What is Aphrodite's flaws and strengths?

Aphrodite hated being compared to other goddesses or women. Some of her strengths were being able to find love for other gods, goddesses, women, and men.

What were some of Aphrodite's flaws?

she was very vain and inlove with her own looks. she hated to be compared to other women or goddesses.

What were Aphrodite's flaws?

Her flaws are pride and vanity, thinking she the the most beautiful being in the world. She also has a short temper (if other women say they are more beautiful than the goddess, she curses them). She hated to be compared to other women or goddesses.

Who is Aphrodite nemesis?


What gender is Aphrodite?

The Greek goddess Aphrodite was female.

What is the song that has Aphrodite in the lyrics?

Aphrodite's Tears by Salem, Aphrodite of Hatred by Izakaron, Aphrodite's Winter by Cathedral, Aphrodite by Ash, Aphrodite Marine by Misanthrope, Green-Eyed Aphrodite by The Cable Car Theory...I don't know that many, are any of those it?

Who is Aphrodite and what did she do?

Aphrodite is the god of beauty

Did Ares have children?

Yes Ares had: Eros with Aphrodite Anteros with Aphrodite Phobos with Aphrodite Deimos with Aphrodite Harmonia with Aphrodite Adrestia with Aphrodite Phlegyas with Chryse or Dotis

How do you spell flaws as in in your face flaws?

The plural noun is spelled "flaws" (imperfections, blemishes).

What is the parade of Aphrodite called?

krewe of aphrodite

Did Aphrodite have a sister?

Athena was aphrodite's sister