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A noun, a pronoun, or an adjective that follows a linking verb is a subject complement.

The subject complements are:

A predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.

A predicate adjective is the adjective following a linking verb which modifies (describes) the subject of the sentence.

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A predicate adjective follows a linking verb and describes or modifies the subject by telling what it is like. This type of adjective helps to provide more information about the subject of the sentence.

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Q: What follows a linking verb and tells what the subject is like?
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What follow a linking verb?

A subject complement typically follows a linking verb. This can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes the subject of the sentence. Examples of linking verbs include "be," "become," "seem," "appear," and "feel."

Is Main Street a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

Yes, a predicate noun is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.When it follows a linking verb, the noun 'Mains Street' is a predicate noun.A predicate adjective is an adjective following a linking verb that restates the subject.

Is giant a linking verb?

No, "giant" is not a linking verb. In this context, "giant" is functioning as an adjective describing the noun it precedes. A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, which renames or describes the subject.

Is like an action verb or an linking verb?

"Like" can serve as both an action verb and a linking verb. As an action verb, it can express preferences or fondness (e.g., "I like chocolate"). As a linking verb, it can connect the subject to a subject complement (e.g., "She looks like her sister").

Is uncomfortable a linking verb?

No, "uncomfortable" is not a linking verb. It is an adjective used to describe a feeling or state of being. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement or an adjective, and typically include verbs like "be," "seem," and "become."

Related questions

Is liked a linking verb?

Like is not a linking verb. A linking verb connects the subject to other information. Here is an example: She seems like a really nice person. Seems is the linking verb, because she, being the subject, seems like a really nice person.

What follow a linking verb?

A subject complement typically follows a linking verb. This can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes the subject of the sentence. Examples of linking verbs include "be," "become," "seem," "appear," and "feel."

The teacher appeared angry when Dave forgot his homework Does this sentence have a predicate adjective?

Yes, the sentence does have a predicate adjective. A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and restates the subject. A linking verb is a verb that acts like an equal sign; the subject of the sentence is or becomes the object of the verb (TEACHER = ANGRY).

Is love a linking verb?

No, love is not a linking verb. A linking verb connects the subject to an object that tells about the subject itself; a linking verb acts as an equals sign. For example:These cookies are good. (cookies = good)A movie sounds like fun. (movie = fun)My sister's name is Mary. (name = Mary)This would not work for love unless you, he, she, or they love themselves.Love is a transitive verb. A verb linking a subject to a direct object, not itself. A transitive verb must have an object. You would not usually use the verb love without an object.

Can you give me examples of subject linking verb predicate adjective?

A predicate adjective (also called a subject complement) modifies the subject like other descriptive adjectives, it must follow a linking verb in a sentence.Example subject-linking verb-predicate adjective: You are funny.

Is the word are a linking word or action word?

Linking verbs connect to parts of a word: the subject and then subject complement. Linking words are words like: are, is, was, were, and so on. Action verbs denote action as in "He jumps." or "She ran." The subjects are doing something.

Is the word happy a linking verb?

No, the word happy is not a verb; the word happy is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.A linking verb acts as an equals sign; the object of the verb is a different form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).An adjective that follows a linking verb that modifies the subject like other descriptive adjectives is a predicateadjective (also called a subject complement).Examples: Mary is happy. or, Mary looked happy. or, Mary felt happy. Mary was happy after all.

What is 'is' an action verb or a linking verb?

'Is' can function as both a linking verb and an auxiliary verb. As a linking verb, it connects the subject to the subject complement, while as an auxiliary verb, it helps to form verb tenses or express the passive voice.

What follows a linking or action verb?

WHAT FOLLOWS A LINKING VERB?A linking verb (known as a copula) is normally followed by either a COMPLEMENT (which may be either a noun or an adjective), or an ADVERBIAL. For example, in He is my father, 'is' is the linking verb and 'my father' is the Complement (noun phrase). Similarly, in David is happy, 'is' is the linking verb and 'happy' is the complement (adjective). As in those examples, the linking verb is most often a form of 'be', although 'become', 'feel', seem' are also commonly used linking verbs. As those examples show, the Complement tells you about the subject, either by renaming it (father) or by describing it (happy). The analysis in both is S-V-C.The other structure that may follow a linking verb is an Adverbial which typically tells you where the subject is, for example in John is in the garden, 'is' is again the linking verb and the prepositional phrase 'in the garden' an adverbial. This time the sentence would be analysed S-V-A.WHAT FOLLOWS AN ACTION VERB?Most verbs are not in fact linking verbs. One type of non-linking verb is the dynamic verb (sometimes called an action verb). Here the subject is actively involved in a specific action, e.g. 'kick, 'run', 'eat'. Often, action verbs require something to complete their meaning, but sometimes they don't. The important thing is to look at how the verb is being used. For example, the verb phrase 'is eating' can be used in three different ways:1. With an object: in Alan is eating his lunch, 'is eating' is an action verb and 'his lunch' is an object. The sentence is thus analysed as S-V-O. When verbs are used like this with an object they are said to be 'transitive'.2. Without an object: in Alan is eating, 'is eating' is the action verb, but this time nothing follows the verb. The sentence analysis here is S-V. When verbs are used that way, they are said to be 'intransitive'.3. With an adverbial: in Alan is eating in the garden, 'is eating' is again the action verb and the prepositional phrase 'in the garden' an adverbial, thus S-V-A.A linking verb is normally followed by either a predicate noun or a predicate adjective.Example: He is my father.IS (linking verb) father (predicate noun).Thus the Sentence pattern is Subject (He) - Linking Verb (father) - Predicate Noun (father) or S-LV-PN. anotherExample: She seems tired.SEEMS (linking verb) TIRED (predicate adjective).Thus the sentence pattern is: Subject (She) - Linking Verb (seems) - Predicate Adjective (tired) or S-LV-PA.It would be good to note that both predicate noun and predicate adjective are considered Subjective Complements (C) So the sentence patterns for both may appear: S-LV-C. On the other hand, an action verb may be followed by a direct object.Example: John threw a ball .THREW (action verb) BALL (direct object).Thus the sentence pattern is Subject (John) - Transitive Verb (threw) - Direct Object (ball) simply put: S-TV-DO

Is were an adjective or a linking verb?

"Was" is considered a linking verb when used to connect the subject with its predicate. Sometimes "was" can also function as a helping verb to form verb tenses like the past continuous tense.

What is a sentence predicate?

The predicate part of the sentence tells what the subject does or has. It can also describe what the subject is or is like.

What are the differences between direct objects and subject complements?

Direct objects and subject complements are both types of complements, but they serve different functions in a sentence. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb, whereas a subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject. In other words, a direct object answers the question "what" or "whom," while a subject complement provides additional information about the subject.