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Q: What font is switch zoo?
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Who created switch zoo?

Gary M. Stolz

How can you get switch zoo on your computer?

Go to and you can play for free.

What sound does the alligator make on switch zoo quest?


Why do your lower case l's come out as 1's when composing an email?

They do not - unless you are using a serif font. Switch to a sans serif font.

How do you change font size default in tvs msp 250 star printer?

switch off the printer, then press font style button and switch on, you will enter into settings menu, when entered it will print the detail of the settings that how to operate.....

How do you switch moshlings in moshling zoo?

you go to your moshling zoo and drag the pet you want in your room to the box that says "pets in your room.''

How do you get boy animals on Zoo Tycoon?

When your buying animals there is a switch under all the animals that lets you switch from boy or girl.

What does the sheep herder see the bison turn into in switch zoo quest?


How do you do a tick on a word document?

To insert a tick (or check mark) change the Font to Marlett and press A on the keyboard, then switch back to whatever font you were using before the tick.

What is the styles purpose in Microsoft Word?

To quickly change font size and color without having to take the time to go to font size, change it, go to font color, change it, and depending on the style, go to underline, and click on it. Also, if you switch styles, as soon as you press enter it will go back to normal.

In moshi monsters how do you get more than 2 moshlings?

If you become a memeber you can have 6 moshling in your room and dozens in your zoo that you can switch back and forth.

How can you set Tamil fonts in Gmail?

One might be able to set Tamil fonts in Gmail in the font settings. Another way one might go about it is to look on Gmails forums for help on how to set Tamil fonts.