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Q: What food component does cooking break down to make it more digestible?
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Why are some foods digestible and others not?

because we don't have the enzymes to metabolize it, or break it down

Can compounds be broken down into their component elements?

Yes they can, compounds can break down into their component elements under certain environmental temperatures.

What is break in cooking terms and how it is doing?

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What does the term deconstruct mean?

To break something down into its component parts.

What is the cooking method that softens and tenderizes fruits while infusing them with additional flavors?

Cooking fruits in liquid to break down the texture is frequently described as stewing.

Are pecans totally digestible?

Nope... Their fat is absorbed along with it's vitamins (so the calorie count is correct) in the small intestines but the matter they are made up of just doesn't break down.

What does the verb factor mean?

In Mathematics, it's short for "factorize" which is to break a number or term down into smaller component parts.

Can instant noodle make you die?

Well, you can choke on them, burn the house down cooking them, drop them, slip on them and break your neck, but no more dangerous on any food they needs cooking

What does marinate mean in cooking?

Marinating is a cooking technique, the marinade adds flavour to the food, it also helps to break down protein which makes the food tender a succulent. You can baste the food with the marinade whilst it's cooking to keep it moist.

Is cooking meat a physical or chemical change?

Cooking meat results in a chemical change. Proteins in the meat are long strings of biochemical material, and heat causes them to "unravel" and break down. This is chemical change.

What is part of a literary or dramatic work?

A part of a literary or dramatic work can refer to a chapter, scene, or stanza within the larger composition. It helps to break down the overall work into smaller, more digestible units for analysis and understanding.

Why does cooking soften vegetables - Is it loss of water from the plant cell vacuoles or does the heat break down the cellulose in the cell walls?

Cooking the vegetables breaks down the cell wall and the plasma membrane. This decreases the turgor pressure of the cell and creates a soft veggie.