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Q: What food did they eat in South Carolina colony?
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What kind of foods do people eat in South Carolina?

They eat normal food. They are a part of the human race too!

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there is no answer a member of our team are going to South Carolina to eat one and see there is no answer a member of our team are going to South Carolina to eat one and see there is no answer a member of our team are going to South Carolina to eat one and see

What did South Carolina eat?

fish, turkey,crop,vegetable

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kan yu eat me?

What did people like to do in colonial South Carolina?

Eat watermelon

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What kind of food did they eat in the colony?

they ate a lot of corn

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What do river otters eat in South Carolina?

The same they eat in the seas clams or fish i think

What do the girls do in the South Carolina colony?

The girls in South Carolina used to do all the house work they cooked, made there own clothes, they had no school, got put in stockyards, make soap, make candle wax, yarn, and caring for the garden, also have to go out to the woods to get fruit, and food to eat, we would also crop food, and work all day without stoping.

Which kind of food did they eat in the colony of Georgia wear?

corn cause of farming