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Q: What food do Africans and Bahamians both eat alike?
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They both take in food to survive.

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They are both heating appliances, and both are used to prepare food.

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they both eat food MUAHAHAHA

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Digestion and Respiration are alike in term of the fact that in both of them oxidation of food take place.

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The vacuole in cells and body fat are very alike. They are alike because they both store extra nutrients and food.

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they both swallow food whole.

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Scavengars and predators are alike because they both have to be animals. the differences are scavengars search for and predators kill their food

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they both eat meat, they both make their own food, both don't have a nucleus

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Both cause problems for others.

Are the killer whale or the killer shark alike?

maybe. because they both are on top of the food chain