

What food do euglena and volvox make?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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9y ago

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A volvox makes there own food, so they eat there food that they make. I don't know what a euglena makes, sorry.

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Q: What food do euglena and volvox make?
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What characteristic do volvox and euglena share?

The volvox and the euglena both have a nucleus, a chloroplast, and a contractilevacuole. I think both cells have some non- reproductive organelles.They are both single-celled freshwater algae that photosynthesize.

Does euglena take in food or make food?

Both. Euglena has chloroplasts to make food but it also surrounds and digests food from outside.

What are the differences between the euglena ameba and volvox?

An euglena has a flagellum; a volvox does not. A volvox has a gonidium; an euglena doesn't. An euglena has a stigma; a volvoxdoes not.a volvox has a lot of characteristics an euglena does not, and an euglena has a lot of characteristics a volvox does not. Unfortuneatly, I do not know the rest of the other unique characteristics that a volvox, or an euglena has that are different from each other. You must go to google to find the rest. Or bing, or

Are Euglea and Volvox the samething?

No -- both are types of algae. Volvox is a colony that resembles a golf ball while Euglena is solitary and tiny. Both do have tiny whips (flagella).