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Q: What food gets its name because it was supposed to make the devil fart?
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What food gets its name not because it was French for the food meant for Napoleons horse because it was supposed to make even the devil fart?


What food gets its name not because it was French for the food meant for Napoleon's horse because it was supposed to make even the devil fart?


Do eleaphants fart?

Eleaphants do fart because when they eat, it desolves the food which lays gas

What food gets its name not because it is French for the food meant for Napoleon's horse but because it was supposed to make even the devil fart?

Pumpernickel bread is attributed this dubious honor. The origin of the name is variously ascribed to its potential to produce flatulence or to its connection to the socially unrefined population of Westphalia, where it originates, sharing with them the moniker "farting devils". There is a story that ties Napoleon and his horse into this bread's history.

Do turkeys fart?

i believe every living animal, including humans fart. scientists show that your fart interacts with the food you eat. bad food= bad fart and more fart. good food= less fart

How long does it take to digest food to produce a fart?

because you eat beans

Why does adults fart?

They will fart because they eat 2 times more than children do, therefore their digestive system can't get rid of all that food so it sends a sound. The "sound" is known as a fart.

Why do you fart so often?

Because we eat so much food and the toxins from our food need to be released somehow so our body pushed the air through and we fart it out the other end creating a smelly smell. Dominique.

How did the Blackfoot choose the chief?

Family was highly valued by the Blackfoot Indians. For traveling, they also split into bands of 20-30 people, but would come together for times of celebration. They valued leadership skills and chose the chiefs who would run their settlements wisely.

I want to fart but i can't what should i do?

u have to eat all lot of food in order to fart

Do rabbits fart?

Apparently, yes. They need to fart so that their food can be more digested properly.

Why do your daddy fart?

Because he eats to much beans and gaaasy food. And because lots of air flows thought his stomach. Thanks, Professional of Farts