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Q: What food house lizerd eat?
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How do lizerd eat?

with there tung

Does a orangutang eat a lizerd?

???? maybe,maybe not . they eat humans! like you

To what family of a creatures does a lizerd belong?

to what family of a creatures does a lizerd belong ? to what family of a creatures does a lizerd belong ?

Can a collered lizerd be put in a cage with another lizerd?

yes because lizerd are alwed to go with friends and familys

Do rattle snakes eat lizerd?

I guess they could if they had the chance and if the lizards defence mechanisms are not too dangerous for the rattlesnake.

What kind of food house lizard eat?

a house lazard will eat rice,grasshopers, and it might like icecream.

What is an ant house?

a house for ants. where they live and eat food and mate with the queen.

What do the cullens have in their house that surprises?

They have a kitchen full of food. However, they do not eat human food.

How do you feed house cats?

leave food in their bowl for them to eat

How do you make a lizerd on alchemy?

Snake and worm

How much to walmart managers make?

enough to eat food and have a house

How do you get a lizerd in harvest moon?

you can't buy a lizard