

What food item is eaten on the first day of lent?

Updated: 3/11/2020
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15y ago

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The food eaten during lent season is usually vegetarian only

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Q: What food item is eaten on the first day of lent?
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What are the food regulations during the season of Lent?

For Catholics, Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. No meat of any warm-blooded animal may be eaten - beef, pork, chicken, etc.

Can seafood be eaten during Lent?

Roman Catholic AnswerYes.

Is pork skin considered meat during Lent?

i believe it is any animal. my family practices not eating meat on good friday, but we do eat meat on lent. i know that where im from, it is acceptable to eat fish on good friday, but it may be different where you are

What food was traditionally eaten before lent begins?

In many cultures, pancakes are traditionally eaten before Lent begins. This tradition is known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, and it is a way to use up rich foods like eggs, milk, and sugar before the Lenten period of fasting and abstinence.

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Yes, Catholics may eat pies during Lent unless they are meat pies and those may not be eaten on Fridays during Lent.

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You can lend anything that cannot be eaten, used to make something (Such as nails)

Can Catholics eat gatortail on Fridays during Lent?

Yes, alligators are not warm blooded animals. Meat from warm blooded animals is not to be eaten on Fridays in Lent.

What is a four letter word for anything that is lent?

That item could be referred to as a 'loan'.

Why do people eat pancakes on shrove tuseday?

Pancakes are eaten on the Tuesday preceding Lent because they allowed people to use up rich foodstuffs such as eggs, milk, and sugar, fasting for 40 days of Lent. The fasting involves eating plainer food and not eating pleasureable food: In many areas this means no meat, dairy, or eggs. Information comes from

How do you get back a lent item in runescape?

The lent item will be returned automatically. Depending on the options selected when lending, you will either receive it when one of the two players (lender or borrower) logs out, or after the specified number of hours (maximum 24 hours). Once the item is returned, you have to talk to a bank clerk to pick it up.I should point out that under no circumstances will you lose the lent item. For example, if a player who borrows an item dies, the borrowed item will be protected above all other items. If he drops the item, it will still be returned automatically after the specified time.The lent item will be returned automatically. Depending on the options selected when lending, you will either receive it when one of the two players (lender or borrower) logs out, or after the specified number of hours (maximum 24 hours). Once the item is returned, you have to talk to a bank clerk to pick it up.I should point out that under no circumstances will you lose the lent item. For example, if a player who borrows an item dies, the borrowed item will be protected above all other items. If he drops the item, it will still be returned automatically after the specified time.The lent item will be returned automatically. Depending on the options selected when lending, you will either receive it when one of the two players (lender or borrower) logs out, or after the specified number of hours (maximum 24 hours). Once the item is returned, you have to talk to a bank clerk to pick it up.I should point out that under no circumstances will you lose the lent item. For example, if a player who borrows an item dies, the borrowed item will be protected above all other items. If he drops the item, it will still be returned automatically after the specified time.The lent item will be returned automatically. Depending on the options selected when lending, you will either receive it when one of the two players (lender or borrower) logs out, or after the specified number of hours (maximum 24 hours). Once the item is returned, you have to talk to a bank clerk to pick it up.I should point out that under no circumstances will you lose the lent item. For example, if a player who borrows an item dies, the borrowed item will be protected above all other items. If he drops the item, it will still be returned automatically after the specified time.