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The most important vitamin for the purpose of having good vision is vitamin A. All the yellow or orange fruits and vegetables contain a chemical called carotene which the body can use to make vitamin A. The best known source of carotene is the carrot (from which carotene takes its name) but there are lots of other good sources, including apricots and cantaloupes. But carrots are very good, especially when cooked; cooking makes carrots more digestible. Add carrots to your soup.

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Q: What food or vitamins help good vision?
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Are vitamins food?

no they help you to be healther

What good source do we get from carrots?

carrots are an excellent source of vitamins B, C, D, E and K, as well as calcium pectate. they help your vision

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If it is due to polioencephalomalacia - thiamine or possibly vitamin A

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Bananas help.

How do vitamins helps the body?

Vitamins help by giving the body the nutrients that you have not absorbed it the food that you eat. Because of the processing our food goes through it is important to take vitamins daily because our food isn't as healthy as it should be.

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Vitamins help cows the same way vitamins help us: they help with maintenance of bodily functions and good health in the cattle. Without essential vitamins, cattle would get sick and/or starve from malnutrition and eventually die.

How do carrots help your vision?

They provide minerals and vitamins that improve your eye sight, and some scientists think that they may even help you see in the dark.

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It gives us energy and vitamins

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to help it survive

How does vitamins related to a sports performer?

Vitamins help sports performers. They are good for them before they play. For example, a lot of sports performers drink gatorade, powerade, etc. They all have vitamins and minerals that are good to have before they perform. Vitamins are good or anyone.

What are some good vitamins for the heart?

I suggest you taking B vitamins. B vitamins can help your heart grow, and become stronger. I would suggest talking to your doctor on vitamins that would help you specifically, without disrupting anything in your body.

How does world vision help people?

it donates money to counties to help restore clean water, food if there is very little and helps children get an education. if you sponsor a kid you help that child have clean water food and an education. - proud world vision sponsor World Vision donates money to countries in need and helps to boost education.